Originally posted by Rawrrr:
There are also escorts provided, or they were back in the late 80's anyway. I'm sure it's no longer being done
I was not a football player in high school but I was close friends with a lot of players. So one day two of my player friends called and wanted me to give them a ride to UK to meet their "hostesses", provided by UK as part of their recruiting visits. Well what I learned during the evening was really an eye opener. The hostesses were paid for by UK in that they put these two female students, and I was told there are several more, up in a fancy condo near the south side of campus, everything paid for, and all they had to do was take care of recruits when they visit. One was a med student and the other a marketing major, and they were stunningly beautiful. The two guys I took up there did nothing but have sex for several hours in two of the bedrooms while I played cards and talked to a 3rd gorgeous student/roommate/hostess who filled me in on everything.