Fight Request against ISIS sent to Congress

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Good move. Let's get back to The Constitution. Congress needs to be making the decisions on if/when to go to war, not the executive branch.
Originally posted by Deeeefense:

Good move. Let's get back to The Constitution. Congress needs to be making the decisions on if/when to go to war, not the executive branch.

HRC, Kerry, Biden et al voting for Iraq says hello.
Originally posted by MWes11:
Barack Obama asked Congress on Wednesday to formally authorize the use of military force in the war against ISIS, the first time a U.S. President has asked for such authorization in 13 years.

The rest of the article is linked.
Good. Before this thread devolves into stupidity (probably too late), screw ISIS/ISIL and everything for which they stand.
Seems a little strange, when he really wants something he simply goes a around congress, but when he don't care or don't have the nads he seeks to hide the decision behind congress.
Originally posted by Deeeefense:

Good move. Let's get back to The Constitution. Congress needs to be making the decisions on if/when to go to war, not the executive branch.
Something we can agree on.
Simple solution, just nuke the bastards. Obviously, will never happen but would be interesting to see how tough they are after getting a large portion of their fighters incinerated in seconds. We need to quit pussyfooting around with these savages and give them a taste of our real military capabilities.

This post was edited on 2/11 2:51 PM by ukalumni00
Originally posted by The ole Engr.:

Seems a little strange, when he really wants something he simply goes a around congress, but when he don't care or don't have the nads he seeks to hide the decision behind congress.
I think this one may have hit the mark.
Originally posted by ukalumni00:
Simple solution, just nuke the bastards. Obviously, will never happen but would be interesting to see how tough they are after getting a large portion of their fighters incinerated in seconds. We need to quote pussyfooting around with these savages and give them a taste of our real military capabilities.
Here we go
I would much rather feed the Kurds and Jordanians weapons and money than us actually do anything. The more we get involved the more it pushes away "on the fence" nations in the region. Let the Muslim nations in the region rally and fight. It will work out better for everyone involved
Originally posted by kghighroller:
He is already bombing them. Why ask congress? Photo op
No kidding, and has been bombing them for months (with no apparent success in destroying/degrading them). Some admitted very limited special forces contact against ISIS has occurred as well.

So why do this now? And what if congress says "no"?
Originally posted by The ole Engr.:

Seems a little strange, when he really wants something he simply goes a around congress, but when he don't care or don't have the nads he seeks to hide the decision behind congress.
Bingo. Besides being the cure for insomnia when he talks, he is the cowardly lion when it comes to leadership as well.
Originally posted by ukalumni00:
We need to quote pussyfooting around with these savages and give them a taste of our real military capabilities.
"pussyfooting around with these savages and give them a taste of our real military capabilities."
Originally posted by cbpointblank1979:

Originally posted by ukalumni00:
We need to quote pussyfooting around with these savages and give them a taste of our real military capabilities.
"pussyfooting around with these savages and give them a taste of our real military capabilities."
point, I see what you did there. Almost to fast paste for me though. FCC.
Nothing more than an attempt to play catch-up to Jordan....

Can't appear to be some shlub letting little old Jordan take it to 'em while he sits on his hands
i much prefer Congress putting their butts on the line about this stuff than having executives go it alone; the latter are out of office within a couple of years and often before the wisdom of the decision comes to light publicly. if Congress has access to the intel, they should be forced to go on the record with their decisions so that they can be held accountable later on.
Originally posted by cbpointblank1979:

Originally posted by ukalumni00:
We need to quote pussyfooting around with these savages and give them a taste of our real military capabilities.
"pussyfooting around with these savages and give them a taste of our real military capabilities."
Cbpoint- doesn't post enough. My favorite social worker.

Let me get this straight. Dems are now for war? War with an enemy that has no set location???? This is even worse than a bullshit Dick Cheney falsified Iraq WMD report. At least Dick Cheney lied to invade a country. ISIS is like water. It flows anywhere and everywhere and has no home.

Goodbye privacy in America. It's gone.
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