Feinstein on KSR Tomorrow


Apr 22, 2012
Hopefully MJ grills him about the obvious question as to why he is being a troll and voting UVa over UK in the poll.

If you could ask him one question, what would it be? Besides the obvious question as to why he votes UVa over UK.
I can honestly say that I could not care less what that sad little idiot thinks or has to say on any subject. Likewise, I believe that BBN should take the same view and simply act as if he did not exist on the planet at all. That is what he deserves and would bother him far more than anything we could say or do to him.

Just my two cents.
If it were me, I'd skip the troll feeding expedition and ask him about something like Bob Knight. Feinstein can be a turd, but "Season on the Brink" is the quite possibly best sports book ever written.

I'd say it's a pretty safe assumption this is not the way it will go.
Originally posted by MWes11:
Hopefully MJ grills him about the obvious question as to why he is being a troll and voting UVa over UK in the poll.

If you could ask him one question, what would it be? Besides the obvious question as to why he votes UVa over UK.
He has answered that question.
He will reply with "Why does it matter?".
What is your response to that answer? Why does it matter?
Is there really anything less important, especially in basketball than a poll? The AP poll isn't used to choose the 64 teams in the tournament.

I'm not really sure what will be resolved by having Feinstein on again. He will give the same answers he's previously given.
JF doesn't like UK, he doesn't like 1 and done and he certainly doesn't like the practice of building teams comprised completely by 1 and done players. He doesn't like that UK won't play UTEP next year....
Everyone is entitled to their personal preference. It's his protest vote and as long as UVa is undefeated he really has no reason to change his vote.

As far as "grilling him"...that implies that JF will feel the heat having to answer questions. I promise you that JF will feel no heat. He doesn't care what you think of him. He has been asked about his dislike of UK many times and he has always given the same answers. You see, while UK has many, many fans there are more that dislike UK than like UK. UK fans will dislike his answers and UK haters will like them.
As already doesn't matter to him at all. For Frankenfeinstein it is a protest vote against the evil empire.