Fayette County School News - Cassidy

Jun 2, 2005
Not enough money for art classes. Sounds like they may need more of your tax money 🤦🏻‍♂️:

Fayette County Superintendent and his husband were previously involved in questionable finance activity in a district:

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You can agree/disagree with what the board says, but Cassidy made a decision that they had to make. Those kids and teachers can't do anything about the funding formula. From my understanding, it was between Spanish or Art. One had to go and they prioritized.

By the way, there are a handful of elementary schools who haven't had art for years. No hub bub about that.

Wonder why?
You can agree/disagree with what the board says, but Cassidy made a decision that they had to make. Those kids and teachers can't do anything about the funding formula. From my understanding, it was between Spanish or Art. One had to go and they prioritized.

By the way, there are a handful of elementary schools who haven't had art for years. No hub bub about that.

Wonder why?
Yeah I don’t fault Cassidy/their SBDM. Like you say they had to work with what they were given by the school board/Fayette county administration. But I think this may highlight a bigger issue within FCPS. Like the op ed says, where is all the FCPS money going? They continually need more money from the community and our superintendent has a questionable past per the articles, so I think it’s fair to scrutinize their (our) money.
It sucks. I loved art class and still love art. I’d get it if it were a zero sum game where math scores would skyrocket and kids could conjugate verbs as a result but that’s not how it works. Btw, the new Henry Clay high school (which I am all for) will cost more than most college arenas did 10 years ago. So it’s not a lack of funds. It’s a prioritization. Of what? Hard to tell.
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Yeah I don’t fault Cassidy/their SBDM. Like you say they had to work with what they were given by the school board/Fayette county administration. But I think this may highlight a bigger issue within FCPS. Like the op ed says, where is all the FCPS money going? They continually need more money from the community and our superintendent has a questionable past per the articles, so I think it’s fair to scrutinize their (our) money.
Cassidy was getting a lot of flack when the news first broke. Glad to see attention is going elsewhere. I won't pretend to understand all of the financials, because I'm just a teacher who has never had any administrative ambitions. There does seem to be some personnel bloat going on though. Even that is strange though. I know of one person at central office that is the head of Gifted/Talented, English Language Learners, AND world language teachers. I hope she's getting paid well, because that's a LOT.

But hey, at least we're not missing a few million dollars like was the case ten years ago! Progress.
It sucks. I loved art class and still love art. I’d get it if it were a zero sum game where math scores would skyrocket and kids could conjugate verbs as a result but that’s not how it works. Btw, the new Henry Clay high school (which I am all for) will cost more than most college arenas did 10 years ago. So it’s not a lack of funds. It’s a prioritization. Of what? Hard to tell.
I could be way off on this (don't live in KY so funding might be different), but in a lot of areas there is a huge difference between capital projects (building a new high school) and operational costs (salaries, running the buildings, etc.). At least where I live the money to build a new school would come from a bond issue that was voted on by the people living in the district. The operational budget comes from money from the state/property taxes. Thus, a school could have shiny new toys, but still be broke in other ways if that makes sense. Again it may be different in KY
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Why would an elementary school need to offer Spanish. Is that even a HS graduation requirement?
They don’t need to, but it has been an option for years for schools that were grandfathered in from a grant years ago. Special classes or Related Arts have no set classes that have to be taught except maybe PE. From what little I know, Cassidy’s Spanish teacher is phenomenal. If that played into the decision, I don’t know.
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By the way, there are a handful of elementary schools who haven't had art for years. No hub bub about that.

Wonder why?
Because affluent schools are more likely to have one or two parents heavily involved with academics and are more likely to pay attention to things like this and raise awareness.
This is also a method to get rid of a terrible teacher.

The art teacher could, I stress could, be really really bad at their job. The administrators take the easier way out by cutting the class and overstaffing the teacher instead of following the procedures to fire them.

Before the posts show up about the evil teacher union and tenure, there is a process to get rid of the teacher. Why not direct your anger at the admin that shirk the duties of their job?
This is also a method to get rid of a terrible teacher.

The art teacher could, I stress could, be really really bad at their job. The administrators take the easier way out by cutting the class and overstaffing the teacher instead of following the procedures to fire them.

Before the posts show up about the evil teacher union and tenure, there is a process to get rid of the teacher. Why not direct your anger at the admin that shirk the duties of their job?
As a teacher completely agree. Every district is different so I won't speak for all. In my district, you are on "probation" for you first three years. Relatively easy to get rid of someone then. After that, tenure kicks in. Definitely not impossible to get rid of, but more of a "plan" gets put in place. Due process, if you will. In nearly 25 years, I can only think of a handful of administrators that have gone after teachers with 4+ years experience. Needs to happen more often IMO. There are some AWFUL teachers out there, but very few admins will go after them.
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As a teacher completely agree. Every district is different so I won't speak for all. In my district, you are on "probation" for you first three years. Relatively easy to get rid of someone then. After that, tenure kicks in. Definitely not impossible to get rid of, but more of a "plan" gets put in place. Due process, if you will. In nearly 25 years, I can only think of a handful of administrators that have gone after teachers with 4+ years experience. Needs to happen more often IMO. There are some AWFUL teachers out there, but very few admins will go after them.
Maybe happens sometimes, but doesn’t sound like the case here.
Maybe happens sometimes, but doesn’t sound like the case here.

You don’t know that. I know of a school that had to cut PE and a similar concern was raised by parents.

It was really about getting someone out.

I bet Art will be back year after next
You don’t know that. I know of a school that had to cut PE and a similar concern was raised by parents.

It was really about getting someone out.

I bet Art will be back year after next

Sounds like a great system for the kids and future of our country!
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This is our local elementary school and the parents are PISSED. It's a whole thing. So this is because of the drop in enrollment is my understanding? That mostly happened during covid. Hell, we were enrolled in Kindergarten at Cassidy, and pulled him out right before school started, because we realized they weren't going back to class in 2020. It's been a great decision for our family.

I will say, Cassidy is a really good elementary school. The principal is great. Most of our friends love it for their children. I think another issue with their enrollment is the falloff of Morton Middle School. It's in really bad shape and folks are trying to get into crowded private schools as soon as they can to avoid Morton.

Also, it's my understanding this isn't because of an individual teacher. Maybe @CSC81 can shed more light.
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The HR and Legal departments at FCPS are like organized crime. They retain people who get caught having sex at schools, but fire people who try to hold their direct reports accountable. Liggins, in addition to being totally unqualified, is a spineless coward.

The group of “chiefs” they have are a waste of oxygen. It’s astonishing to me that any kid who attends a school here is able to succeed given the headwinds provided by an administration that is inept on its best day.

One of their directors who used to be the principal at Hayes is a shit disturbing, petty, awful excuse for a human being. The other entitled, worthless women there rally around her like she’s the queen bee, and they smoke out anyone who tries to make them do their jobs.
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1) What is your absolute, psycho obsession with the school system? It seems like it’s literally all you post about. It’s weird, and quite honestly, creepy.

2) Since you appear to hold yourself out as such a savant, what is your proposed solution? Can’t wait to hear it.

EDIT: My son is a very talented and active member of the art program at Cassidy. We have had MANY conversations with the administrators about why and how this all happened. I can assure you it wasn’t what they wanted. You can’t just create money out of thin air to fund a program. But keep posting articles from people that don’t really know what’s going on and stirring up hysteria.
1) Why do you read my threads and post in them if so annoyed?

2) Manage $$$ better

Articles do reflect what has happened. Where are they wrong if you know so much?

Look at other items of concern that have popped up in this thread and look at FCPS history of issues since COVID. It’s a disaster…it’s ok to care and call them out. It’s about the kids!
I was tagged. Trust me, I generally do everything I can to avoid your inane, creepy drivel.

And you don’t know what you’re talking about. “Manage $$$ better.” 😂 K. Great answer/solution.

Keep posting on a buried UK sports message board about all of your gripes with FCPS (and trust me, I have plenty of my own, but I’m not airing it out or discussing it here). THAT will make a difference. 🙄
Burning down their little palace on Park Place would be a good start to making a difference.

ETA - figuratively, obvi. And only when it’s empty.
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A quote from her husband in the article (it came out that he knew his wife was doing this, and was complicit with the prostitution)

`She's taking it real hard,'' Chris Snyder, her husband, said...

3 points off for using the incorrect tense. (should have used past tense)
Y’all don’t seem to understand how bad these creeps that have taken over public schools are. They have an agenda and it isn’t providing great education. They're crazy af and need to be shipped out. Instead, the people who have the power to do something about it just placed their kids in private schools. That's why we are in this situation. And btw, I fall into that category. I'd rather just pay $25K than fight with a bunch of nitwit libs.
Y’all don’t seem to understand how bad these creeps that have taken over public schools are. They have an agenda and it isn’t providing great education. They're crazy af and need to be shipped out. Instead, the people who have the power to do something about it just placed their kids in private schools. That's why we are in this situation. And btw, I fall into that category. I'd rather just pay $25K than fight with a bunch of nitwit libs.
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I urge anyone with an issue with their local school system to become more involved and speak up in their respective communities. If you say you don't have the time because of work and family, I get it - but then again you've got the time to write tens of thousands of posts on a sports message board. I know there's a lot of middle aged dads and grandfathers here. It's almost your duty to get online and complain about current society but you'd think whining about the libs (the great boogeyman of today) as Wayne and many others do weekly would become tiresome and pointless. My advice? Get more involved locally to facilitate change. Or don't and just log in daily to complain that you're normal and it's everyone else that's nuts and out of touch in life. As someone more famous than I once said: "Tell me when I'm telling lies."
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Y’all don’t seem to understand how bad these creeps that have taken over public schools are. They have an agenda and it isn’t providing great education. They're crazy af and need to be shipped out. Instead, the people who have the power to do something about it just placed their kids in private schools. That's why we are in this situation. And btw, I fall into that category. I'd rather just pay $25K than fight with a bunch of nitwit libs.

Post of the year.
Demand the following:
1. Safety
2. Discipline
3. Order

Unfortunately, no one in power wants this because it messes with their “equity” statistics.
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