Favorite childhood candy


Feb 27, 2015
I ate the hell out of this as a kid but would probably spit it out today.

I am not as savvy with the pics but mine were

Dinosaur Eggs
Lemon Heads

Despised still today:

Circus Peanuts
Cow Tails
Bottle Caps
Other root beer or coke flavored candy
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Will still demolish a bag of sweet tarts...don't know what it is but the Easter chick's and ducks hits different
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I ate the hell out of this as a kid but would probably spit it out today.

Still love bottle caps but never buy them because they are almost pure sugar. Runts were similar and also a Wonka treat.

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Twix and Rolos when I was a kid. Now pretty much just Reese’s cups or just dark chocolate.
Frozen Zero Bars at the pool.
Root Beer Barrels at the movies

When I was real little, I'd "forget" my milk money for kindergarten and spend it at the candy store next to school. Candy Dots. Little colored sugar dots stuck on waxed paper. I don't even remember that they had much flavor.

At home, mom liked circus peanuts and orange slices so that's what we got.
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Big League Chew. My mom wouldnt' let me have it, so when someone had it in the dugout during baseball games It was the best. I sucked at sports so chewing gum was the highlight o fmy career
My man.
Dinosaur Eggs
Best answer in the thread. You young’ns missed out. The Convenient Store in Turfland was my pusher/plug.

I liked the banana runts
I take back the “my man”.

My official answer is Kit Kats and nothing has changed.
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Kit Kats are a good go to. The last time a candy thread popped up I was going through a pack of Japanese Kit Kats. Some were nasty (sake, beans) but there were orange and lemon/lime flavors that were great.
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