Expert Referees Guide to Betting Games in 2023


Jun 11, 2006
Listen up boys, it’s 2023. Inflation is high and interest rates are soaring. We are still making less than 100k a year in most cases and even at the top level we aren’t getting above 300k. That’s just not commensurate with our worth, COLLEGE PLAYERS COME AND GO BUT WE ARE THE F’N SHOW.

That said, some new gambling laws have been passed in the United States that give us some unique opportunities.

Y’all remember the old days—where we had to have a shady deal with a bookie to get anything done. Not anymore.

The idiot sports fans think we still have to bet on spreads and money lines and over understand for the whole game! But here’s the real way to 20x your income every year as a major referee:

1) Never ever answer questions. If you don’t talk, they can’t parse what you say. This is rule #1 for a reason.

2) Stop betting whole game point spreads or any whole game bet for that matter. It is way too obvious and ignorant.

3) Pick your “best friends” wisely. Make sure you don’t talk or text to them much and they live in a state where gambling (specifically in-game) is fully ready and accessible via internet.

4) Set the parameters with your “best friends” for specific, weird parts of the game. For example: X team will win by 10 from minute 15-10 of the second half. Or another example: Y team will cover after being behind in the first half. You can create and endless number of parameters here but make sure your friend is watching.

4a) Make sure to have random odd signals that trigger your “good friend” to do certain things.

5) Always have an exit strategy. No matter how hot a team gets, no matter how bad things get by luck, always have the big bet geared up for the last couple minutes so you ALWAYS win.

Glad you fellow refs have attended this seminar today. But always remember rule number 1: don’t talk. We don’t have to. And as long as we stay quiet we never will.
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Another extension to the rules boys.

If someone is considered a legal liability, like murder, make sure to give them favorable calls all night because the public will bet against them.
I’m kind of the unsung hero. Not the first time this season I’ve pulled out a victory for the Cats. Had a 6-1 and 7-1 parlay with Kentucky’s ML as the last leg. Every time I cash out early my team/player (tennis) comes back to win. Never fails. Had to settle for a 3-1 payout but I’m happy to take one for the team. If Cow wasn’t CCC and I could trust him I’d had just let ‘em ride.
I can offer some tips on betting. Before placing a bet, it's important to understand the rules and strategies of the game you're betting on. This can help you make more informed decisions and increase your chances of winning. In addition to knowing the game, it's also important to research the teams or players involved. Look at their performance history, strengths and weaknesses, and any recent news or events that could impact their performance. Betting can be risky, so it's important to set a budget and stick to it. Only bet with money that you can afford to lose, and never chase losses by betting more than you can afford. I prefer to play online casino at
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Speaking about new laws, they definitely provide some interesting opportunities if you're into that sort of thing. But remember, it's always important to approach any form of gambling responsibly and make informed decisions. Speaking of informed decisions, I recently came across an expert analysis of bet365 sportsbook that provided some interesting insights.
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