ESPN buys into Sports Betting


Dec 9, 2007

Not a fan of ESPN, and this makes me less so. Too many young people my son's age -- including some of his friends -- getting in debt blowing money they can't afford on these instant bet apps.

And of course ESPN is in a position to influence the outcome of games.

What if their "partner" is heavily leveraged on a Super Bowl or NCAA finals and ESPN has a partially-reported story it can leak and change the betting line in an instant? Of course, they'll claim they have "pure journalistic ethics." Yeah, I believe that, when a partner paying you billions of dollars wants an outcome, and all it takes is an "unnamed sources story" to whipsaw the odds so that partner can lock in a profit whoever wins.
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Just one more thing that ESPN can screw up lately.


Not a fan of ESPN, and this makes me less so. Too many young people my son's age -- including some of his friends -- getting in debt blowing money they can't afford on these instant bet apps.

And of course ESPN is in a position to influence the outcome of games.

What if their "partner" is heavily leveraged on a Super Bowl or NCAA finals and ESPN has a partially-reported story it can leak and change the betting line in an instant? Of course, they'll claim they have "pure journalistic ethics." Yeah, I believe that, when a partner paying you billions of dollars wants an outcome, and all it takes is an "unnamed sources story" to whipsaw the odds so that partner can lock in a profit whoever wins.
Yeah, I agree with you. It "could" be ok if it weren't for the potential for corruption that is involved. It's like having all those lobbyists involved with our government. They could just innocently be advocating for particular interests but when you get large amounts of money involved, corruption is sure to follow.
I was just thinking a couple days ago, someone needs to come out with a new sports network that blows ESPN out of the water. FS1 has tried but still lacks. I think right now would be a good time considering ESPN is scrambling to stay afloat.
One of the big things that kills ESPN now is the fact that everything is at your fingertips 24 hours a day. Things like SportCenter and talk shows arent important anymore because we can get scores and highlights on our phone and we can listen to podcasts, etc that are geared at exactly what we like in the sports world.

I'm not sure there is any format that would be wildly successful these days as a sports network.
One of the big things that kills ESPN now is the fact that everything is at your fingertips 24 hours a day. Things like SportCenter and talk shows arent important anymore because we can get scores and highlights on our phone and we can listen to podcasts, etc that are geared at exactly what we like in the sports world.

I'm not sure there is any format that would be wildly successful these days as a sports network.
Yes, this is true. I also don't think it helps when ESPN chooses to get into the political side of things. They've been doing that for years, and especially in the last 10 years or so. That alienates a lot of people. I would suggest to ESPN the same thing I would suggest to professional athletes and Hollywood types- stick to your sport or to your career and stay out of political stuff.

Not a fan of ESPN, and this makes me less so. Too many young people my son's age -- including some of his friends -- getting in debt blowing money they can't afford on these instant bet apps.

And of course ESPN is in a position to influence the outcome of games.

What if their "partner" is heavily leveraged on a Super Bowl or NCAA finals and ESPN has a partially-reported story it can leak and change the betting line in an instant? Of course, they'll claim they have "pure journalistic ethics." Yeah, I believe that, when a partner paying you billions of dollars wants an outcome, and all it takes is an "unnamed sources story" to whipsaw the odds so that partner can lock in a profit whoever wins.
FanDuel and all the draft apps are all scams, too. The super-algorithm writers are the ones who make all the money and the average schlubs get fleeced. Don't spend your hard earned money on that schlock.
FanDuel and all the draft apps are all scams, too. The super-algorithm writers are the ones who make all the money and the average schlubs get fleeced. Don't spend your hard earned money on that schlock.
I won $100 one time on FanDuel. I cashed out after that because I knew if I stayed in I would keep trying to chase beating that and it would not end well.

Just like with the NCAA bracket and fantasy football stuff, I found just watching to watch was a lot more enjoyable than having some kind of skin in the game. Can't just sit there and enjoy the game, got to be needing to see the team you picked or your fantasy players doing well and then when they don't it screws up a fun game to watch.
Yes, this is true. I also don't think it helps when ESPN chooses to get into the political side of things. They've been doing that for years, and especially in the last 10 years or so. That alienates a lot of people. I would suggest to ESPN the same thing I would suggest to professional athletes and Hollywood types- stick to your sport or to your career and stay out of political stuff.
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pretty soon we'll see ESPN brand vape pens lol. Maybe some ESPN branded OnlyFans. Everyone is chasing that next revenue stream.

I think we're on the "bubble" stage of sports. The money keeps getting bigger and bigger, as the older generation keeps their bundled legacy TV packages, but at some point it has to crash. The younger generation cares less and less about sports, and those who do seem to be just as content to watch highlights. China becomes the new main market because their internet is a lot more locked down. Saudis swoop in when the networks can no longer pay the contract they signed. For now, I gambling money may stretch that fate out for another decade or so.
What kinda pillow fighting? Scantily clad hot women pillow fighting might go over bigly. 🤔


No it was 2 guys and they are in a boxing type ring. Each head shot is worth 1 point, shots to the body don’t count as points. Literally wasted 3 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back.. lol
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I've done fine witout ESPN for 3 years now. They keep giving me reasons to avoid them.
There was a time when I watched SportsCenter almost religiously. I made sure I made it home in time to watch it. If I remember correctly, I would always watch the 5pm show. I would watch it first thing in the morning, also. So, it was pretty much 2 times every day, and sometimes I would be sure to watch at the end of the day if any team I follow had played that day. I can't remember the last time I watched an entire episode of SportsCenter. I'm sure there are multiple reasons. I already thought they were biased in favor of certain leagues and teams, so add in the political commentary and I'm done. I've got apps, scores, and instant stats on my phones now, so I don't need it at all. They've tried to make it like a sports editorial now, anyway, and I really don't care. It's just like the news these days- it's editorialism disguised as reporting. Back in the day, you turn on SportsCenter and it's highlights and reports, wall to wall. That is what I would still watch.
Yes, this is true. I also don't think it helps when ESPN chooses to get into the political side of things. They've been doing that for years, and especially in the last 10 years or so. That alienates a lot of people. I would suggest to ESPN the same thing I would suggest to professional athletes and Hollywood types- stick to your sport or to your career and stay out of political stuff.
I agree. I lean to the left politically and I think it's over the top at times. They don't just alienate people on the right, but they alienate a lot of people in general.

Not a fan of ESPN, and this makes me less so. Too many young people my son's age -- including some of his friends -- getting in debt blowing money they can't afford on these instant bet apps.

And of course ESPN is in a position to influence the outcome of games.

What if their "partner" is heavily leveraged on a Super Bowl or NCAA finals and ESPN has a partially-reported story it can leak and change the betting line in an instant? Of course, they'll claim they have "pure journalistic ethics." Yeah, I believe that, when a partner paying you billions of dollars wants an outcome, and all it takes is an "unnamed sources story" to whipsaw the odds so that partner can lock in a profit whoever wins.
Yeah it should be totally illegal IMO. Just like politicians that are married to stock brokers and inside trade.
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I agree. I lean to the left politically and I think it's over the top at times. They don't just alienate people on the right, but they alienate a lot of people in general.
You actually probably lean center now. True left is insane and not even close to any values the US had historically on either side.