I really think a lot of this discussion is half baked. One and done is an NBA problem and is NOT an issue for college basketball except to try and help the victim of the rule. Discussion about the "one and done culture" is nothing more than babbling platitudes and applying terminology with the explicit intent of painting the "haves" in a worse light than the "have nots" in college basketball.
I'll state right up front. I don't like the one and done concept. I think its wrong to force a kid to delay his life for a year while waiting to enter the draft. That's an NBA rule, not an NCAA one. I blame the NBA and more specifically the NBA players union. Their rule, influence and greed does much damage to a very select group of kids in my opinion. I would like for all entering freshman to get a degree. We all would like that. I also want 10 million dollars, all the beer I can drink and Taylor Swift to serve it, too. However as wishes go, I'm more likely to get the latter three items than I am for every college basketball player finishing a 4 year degree. That's not the NBA's fault but they sure as hell aren't helping.
There is no "one and done" culture at Kentucky. There never has been. The Kentucky basketball program is guilty of appealing to very highly qualified athletes that happen to have options. Emmert whining about that is a bit of a farce (true to character, some might say). First, he nor his member institutions have almost ZERO control over how long a player stays. Second, he lords over the very organization that essentially declares to a returning college sophomore, "TURN YOUR BACK ON ME AND YOU MAY NEVER RETURN!!!". Actually sounds a little like the drunken father with a beer gut throwing his kid out of the house for not cutting his hair on a low budget chick flick. If Emmert really gave a damn, he could allow those kids that are not taken in the first round an option to return and get another year toward their degree. There are many other potential solutions which reduces the risk borne by those undrafted kids as well. He pathetically whines instead of approaching the source of the problem or even making the slightest concession toward letting these kids explore their options in light of an ill advised NBA rule. Combine this with his inaction on the UNC travesty and he is really earning a reputation as an impotent leader of an ethically bankrupt organization. I suspect you place a NBA rookie first round contract in front of him, he'd jump on it like a slavering starved dog. Hypocrite.
If you hadn't noticed, this whole subject just pisses me off.