Eron Gordon Announcing Saturday

I don't get it. If UK never offered, and few people here actually heard of him, why are we worried about it? Certainly don't have to worry about him at UK.
Something to talk about on a slow off season night. At one time he was talked about in UK circles is why I linked, but I guess I traveled off course.

No need to apologize. Posters were unnecessarily dickheadish to you here. It's not a bad thread, and Gordon is a solid 4 star prospect with lots of nice offers, the kind of kid UK sometimes offers and might've offered here if we'd had a need at his position. A topic not unworthy of some summertime discussion.
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Thanks my love of recruiting sometimes goes beyond UK. I really like Eron's game. This lead me to believe other members of BBN would like to know where past blips on UK's radar end up. I have thick skin at 39 years old, and will continue to bring what I feel is interesting basketball talk with my Blue Brothas....BBN forever!
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I don't know if I'm alone on this, but I appreciate this thread. This was a guy UK was interested in at one point and the interest was mutual. He was once on our radar but ended up fading away and not getting an offer. Don't see what the big deal is, maybe people NEED to see an "OT:" if it's not a player we offered. Whatever.
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For the life of me I cannot understand why some members of BBN try to eat their own. Its a real problem, and it is getting worse. We are a large family so I guess we have more knuckleheads that most. I am no bandwagon fan or troll. Even at 9 or 10 I remember the hard times Coach Sutton put BBN through. I received a autographed basketball after I met Coach Sutton at bball camp. He hurt BBN so much even at young age I felt this pain. I then proceeded to spray paint that autographed basketball silver, as I could not stand to see Coach Suttons autograph on that UK basketball. For most of us BBN is forever.
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Gordon took at least two unofficials to UK so there is a connection. Meyer is now suggesting Gordon will pick LSU, which would probably cause a disturbance on Peegs' board.
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Let it be so...A decent pick up for the SEC and more evidence that Creepy Crean is turning off even guys who should be easy pickins' for IU.
The two 5-star 2017 players in Indiana, Kris Wilkes and Brian Bowen, could be make or break recruits for Clappy.
Eron's older brother Eric Gordon was the son of Michael Jordan in the movie space jam, since Michael Jordan played at UNC and his actor-son Eric is his older brother, maybe he will go to UNC. :eyes:
For the life of me I cannot understand why some members of BBN try to eat their own. Its a real problem, and it is getting worse. We are a large family so I guess we have more knuckleheads that most. I am no bandwagon fan or troll. Even at 9 or 10 I remember the hard times Coach Sutton put BBN through. I received a autographed basketball after I met Coach Sutton at bball camp. He hurt BBN so much even at young age I felt this pain. I then proceeded to spray paint that autographed basketball silver, as I could not stand to see Coach Suttons autograph on that UK basketball. For most of us BBN is forever.

Because there are a bunch of posters who like to feel like they are the smartest posters on the forum, and think they have the edge on all things related to the Cats. JMO.
Eron's older brother Eric Gordon was the son of Michael Jordan in the movie space jam, since Michael Jordan played at UNC and his actor-son Eric is his older brother, maybe he will go to UNC. :eyes:

It is true that Michael Jordan's son in Space Jam is played by Eric Gordon. But not THE Eric Gordon, not the basketball Eric Gordon. Crazy that people actually think there is only one Eric Gordon in this world.
It is true that Michael Jordan's son in Space Jam is played by Eric Gordon. But not THE Eric Gordon, not the basketball Eric Gordon. Crazy that people actually think there is only one Eric Gordon in this world.
This was a joke...chill.