Electromagnetic weapons


Jan 3, 2003
The ufo’s we been shooting down, and now two passenger jets that plunged to near the ground/water before regaining altitude just in the past couple weeks.

Hypothetically, could we/someone be close to creating an electromagnetic wave weapon that can disable (lose power) for any mechanical device “nearby”, so don’t need a direct”hit” of it? Thus potentially being able to take out copters, jets, even enemy missiles?
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R&D would be a bitch. Seems like there’d be a ton of engineering challenges to be able to focus the energy/waves.
alien mars attacks GIF
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There is book, “One Second After” about this subject. Very good, highly entertaining. Fiction but seems to be pretty realistic in describing the aftermath. Good read, definitely recommend.
Thanks, I don't generally read. But sounds like might be worth a try.
Could be the incredibly inexperienced pilots airlines are hiring.
Neighbor of mine is a recently retired pilot and the stories he has would make you think twice about flying now. He is now transitioning over to the training side of things to try and help the industry find capable new talent that will be trained properly. Folks may not realize it, but the air is not as safe as you may think it is. A lot of folks flying these planes who are not very smart and ill prepared/trained.
It’s why it was a military helicopter!

You can’t use the inexperienced or aged issue within the military!

Seems they escaped that issue on this one!
US Airline transport pilots need 1500 hours of experience. OTOH commuter pilots only need 500 hours and some foreign airlines take pilots with just a few hundred hours which is ridiculous. Commuter pilots often fly for peanuts to build their hours up so they can get on with a major carrier. It's the commuter airlines and some foreign carriers that give me the biggest worry.
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Molecules and whatnot. Fibromyalgia. They say the Chinese have monkeys that can live on rice alone for 18 years then wake up one morning and kill your whole family. Craziest thing i ever heard tell of. The Chinese and the Japanese are not entirely the same, you see. There's slight differences in a Chinaman. They start teaching them Kung Fu right out of the birthing tube. Dangerous little fellers that can jump up in the air and kick both ways is what they say.

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