Edwards in Summer League

They just have to do what Cal and his supporters did. Bench your best players and have Edwards start all quarters. Continue that cycle and fans need to spread the word that he’s getting Edwards ready for the playoffs. He’ll have a decent game somewhere in there and let that encourage everyone to continue. Your best player sitting the bench will understand.

Maybe this time it’ll result in playoff win, somehow.
They just have to do what Cal and his supporters did. Bench your best players and have Edwards start all quarters. Continue that cycle and fans need to spread the word that he’s getting Edwards ready for the playoffs. He’ll have a decent game somewhere in there and let that encourage everyone to continue. Your best player sitting the bench will understand.

Maybe this time it’ll result in playoff win, somehow.
When did best players sit the bench?
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I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being a really good player. He just isn't right now. He needs time to develop and Cal tried to force him because, well Cal gonna Cal.

I don’t know man, Edwards is pretty bad. Not to
mention he’s got a very low court IQ and personally I don’t think he’s that bright. Always seems to have no idea where to be, misjudges his angles, eyes always appear to me a little dazed like he’s thinkin “wut I do?” When he screws something up. I think he’s just a bust who was older than his competition and it got him the higher rating.

But you’re right that Cals biggest mistake with Edwards was overplaying him instead of allowing him to find his way from the bench. It’s the perfect player (at the time) to work in from the bench. Plus you hide some of his flaws and he’s not as bad in reduced minutes and his confidence could have slowly built over time. Also plus, being on the court some in a “second team” environment probably would have helped some at the time.

But then, Calipari. Who starts him and plays him in lineups with Wagner Theiro and Bradshaw while
convincing some that benching your best players and starting this guy is the smart move lol. Creates sparks!

Sometimes I’d think to myself, is Cal intentionally trying to screw this up to get at the boosters? And i still think yup, that’s who the guy is and he’s done it before at his last stop and now that I know how bad the relationship is with some of the brass a lot of things make sense to me now. He was shopping for new teams too, this guy didn’t give a damn about winning basketball games.
I didnt see the game or any highlights, has he done anything to improve himself like getting into shape? At some point he has to put in work to see the benefits. NBA coaching can’t fix lazy.

Looks to me like no, he’s not put an ounce of work in. Edwards just needs to call it and go into coaching or something. It just isn’t happening.
I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being a really good player. He just isn't right now. He needs time to develop and Cal tried to force him because, well Cal gonna Cal.
Cal definitely Cal’d when it came to Edwards but Edwards going to the draft was on his own which he had zero business doing so. Edwards is a product of today’s NBA. They ruin it for way more players than necessary with their eagerness to get young players into the league. Edwards needed at least 3 years of college and maybe 4. Today’s nba just sucks, sorry it just does.
Zero points in 18 minutes. His team scored 102. Yikes.
We hear plenty about Cal's Green Room appearances, but where is he when players like Edwards are permanently damaged by Cal's hyperbole. There is no way this kid should have ever left college after one season. If Cal had been honest with Edwards and his family, he would have done the responsible thing which is to return. I am certain that Cal university supports will quickly proclaim his innocence, but that is certainly not true. Cal university falsely convinces way too many players that they are failures if they stay in college longer than one season. They also realize that if they don't leave, Cal will recruit over them which will relegate them to bench players.
Cal definitely Cal’d when it came to Edwards but Edwards going to the draft was on his own which he had zero business doing so. Edwards is a product of today’s NBA. They ruin it for way more players than necessary with their eagerness to get young players into the league. Edwards needed at least 3 years of college and maybe 4. Today’s nba just sucks, sorry it just does.
If this is more about the NBA than Cal university, provide other examples. What are the names of the other coaches who brag about pushing players out of their system to free up space for the next OAD?
They just have to do what Cal and his supporters did. Bench your best players and have Edwards start all quarters. Continue that cycle and fans need to spread the word that he’s getting Edwards ready for the playoffs. He’ll have a decent game somewhere in there and let that encourage everyone to continue. Your best player sitting the bench will understand.

Maybe this time it’ll result in playoff win, somehow.

Get a solid six points a night out of him.
I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being a really good player. He just isn't right now. He needs time to develop and Cal tried to force him because, well Cal gonna Cal.
Are you aware that he was a 20 year old freshman and turns 21 this year?

This ain’t a case of a kid with a lot of untapped potential. Instead, it’s a case of a kid who got vastly overrated when he was young because scouts failed to notice that he was two years older than the others in his class. And his stock now keeps dropping the older he gets because the others in his class have matured and surpassed him.

He’s never gonna be “a really good player” in the NBA. He’ll just be another of those “once overrated” prospects who scraps for a roster spot for a couple years before realizing his best fit is overseas.
This one might really be more of Edwards just being one of the most overrated US high-school recruits of all time. Which makes it all the worse how Cal tried to force him into the rotation.

But man, what a fall from grace. He was seen as almost an automatic NBA mainstay. Still tons of time of course.
We hear plenty about Cal's Green Room appearances, but where is he when players like Edwards are permanently damaged by Cal's hyperbole. There is no way this kid should have ever left college after one season. If Cal had been honest with Edwards and his family, he would have done the responsible thing which is to return. I am certain that Cal university supports will quickly proclaim his innocence, but that is certainly not true. Cal university falsely convinces way too many players that they are failures if they stay in college longer than one season. They also realize that if they don't leave, Cal will recruit over them which will relegate them to bench players.

You realize Cal can't make Edwards come back.. and what exactly was Edwards returning to when Cal was leaving for Arkansas lol. So many of these players have their minds made up before they go to college. If they want to go to the NBA, they are going, regardless if their 1-year coach says they shouldn't.

Cal might actually be the only guy who could have tricked the NBA into paying $10mil for Justin Edwards. And he almost did it honestly. A few more of those 30 pt games later in the season and maybe not losing in the 1st round, Edwards might have gone in the top20 picks.

Kind if makes sense why he played him so much. But shitty that it was at the detriment to Kentucky Baksetball.
I don’t know man, Edwards is pretty bad. Not to
mention he’s got a very low court IQ and personally I don’t think he’s that bright. Always seems to have no idea where to be, misjudges his angles, eyes always appear to me a little dazed like he’s thinkin “wut I do?” When he screws something up. I think he’s just a bust who was older than his competition and it got him the higher rating.

But you’re right that Cals biggest mistake with Edwards was overplaying him instead of allowing him to find his way from the bench. It’s the perfect player (at the time) to work in from the bench. Plus you hide some of his flaws and he’s not as bad in reduced minutes and his confidence could have slowly built over time. Also plus, being on the court some in a “second team” environment probably would have helped some at the time.

But then, Calipari. Who starts him and plays him in lineups with Wagner Theiro and Bradshaw while
convincing some that benching your best players and starting this guy is the smart move lol. Creates sparks!

Sometimes I’d think to myself, is Cal intentionally trying to screw this up to get at the boosters? And i still think yup, that’s who the guy is and he’s done it before at his last stop and now that I know how bad the relationship is with some of the brass a lot of things make sense to me now. He was shopping for new teams too, this guy didn’t give a damn about winning basketball games.
Calipari failed Edwards. He shouldve have been coming off the bench. He knew he was starting no matter what. He didn't have to try to get better. Dude's body looked the same all year. Believe someone on HOB said he had a poor work ethic. He should have been coming off the bench. To fight for his minutes, and not get exposed so much. He probably could have gotten drafted off flashes, and ''potential''. But instead he got exposed, owned, and complacent. Just another Calipari special.

Dillingham knew it too. He obv wasn't a Calipari fan. I remember once he told Cal to STFU. Total beast.
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Calipari failed Edwards. He shouldve have been coming off the bench. He knew he knew he was starting no matter what. He didn't have to try to get better. Dude's body looked the same all year. Believe someone on HOB said he had a poor work ethic. He should have been coming off the bench. To fight for his minutes, and not get exposed so much. He probably could have gotten drafted off flashes, and ''potential''. But instead he got exposed, owned, and complacent. Just another Calipari special.

Dillingham knew it too. He obv wasn't a Calipari fan. I remember once he told Cal to STFU. Total beast.
If you go back and look you will see the exact opposite, including Reed and his mom saying he was in the gym more than most everyone. Just because you read it once on a message board doesn't make it fair to repeat it and desparage a kid that is just trying to live his dream.
Zero points in 18 minutes. His team scored 102. Yikes.

Destined for a life overseas

They just have to do what Cal and his supporters did. Bench your best players and have Edwards start all quarters. Continue that cycle and fans need to spread the word that he’s getting Edwards ready for the playoffs. He’ll have a decent game somewhere in there and let that encourage everyone to continue. Your best player sitting the bench will understand.

Maybe this time it’ll result in playoff win, somehow.
It's too bad he didn't score at least one layup, so he would be able to scream at his closest opponent as if he just made the most phenomenal shot in basketball history.
I don’t know man, Edwards is pretty bad. Not to
mention he’s got a very low court IQ and personally I don’t think he’s that bright. Always seems to have no idea where to be, misjudges his angles, eyes always appear to me a little dazed like he’s thinkin “wut I do?” When he screws something up. I think he’s just a bust who was older than his competition and it got him the higher rating.

But you’re right that Cals biggest mistake with Edwards was overplaying him instead of allowing him to find his way from the bench. It’s the perfect player (at the time) to work in from the bench. Plus you hide some of his flaws and he’s not as bad in reduced minutes and his confidence could have slowly built over time. Also plus, being on the court some in a “second team” environment probably would have helped some at the time.

But then, Calipari. Who starts him and plays him in lineups with Wagner Theiro and Bradshaw while
convincing some that benching your best players and starting this guy is the smart move lol. Creates sparks!

Sometimes I’d think to myself, is Cal intentionally trying to screw this up to get at the boosters? And i still think yup, that’s who the guy is and he’s done it before at his last stop and now that I know how bad the relationship is with some of the brass a lot of things make sense to me now. He was shopping for new teams too, this guy didn’t give a damn about winning basketball games.
Yeah I don't disagree with you at all...he very well may not pan out. I just give any player the benefit of the doubt if they were coached by Cal in the last few years. I've said for a couple of years now that I think Cal has some kind of mental disorder, in addition to being a narcissist of course. Just watching him in interviews, the man doesn't seem right. From the video that Ellen posted, seemed like she didn't really want to leave but was forced to because her husband was being an idiot and she had no choice. Luckily, his mental lapse allowed us to get rid of him on the cheap. Thank goodness for that!
They didn't. That is the mantra here now though. Rob and Reed were "benched" the whole year. Never played. I understand the Cal hate, and even the complaints about Rob and Reed not starting, but to continue to say that they were "benched" is stupid.
They certainly didn’t start. They came off the bench.
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Doesn't happen a lot, but Pope brought Jackson Robinson off the bench at BYU
That's different though. Robinson asked to come off of the bench, said he was more comfortable in that role. So a strategic move to get your best player playing his best is much different than honoring promises made to 5 star players in order to fast track them to the NBA.
That's different though. Robinson asked to come off of the bench, said he was more comfortable in that role. So a strategic move to get your best player playing his best is much different than honoring promises made to 5 star players in order to fast track them to the NBA.

Some just cannot seem to grasp the way this works. Sometimes a player works better in a 6th man role. Manu G was like that in SA. Thats got nothing to do with making your 2 best players sit the bench to start both halves while you kill
Momentum, have situational lineups that don’t work, causes failure to maintain leads etc. all over promises and favoritism made to certain players. It’s also different to do it with TWO of your best players. There is no comparison to a guy like Robinson coming off the bench. None.

It’s unreal to me anyone continues to buy this. Even the national media has called him out on it. It’s unheard of that’s why, no one has or would do it. But we still have a hardened faction of guys he sold it to who can’t let it settle that he did it to the detriment of the team. Yes, Cal is a liar who doesn’t care about winning games. Even one of his players told them that, yet they still can’t get it.
Some just cannot seem to grasp the way this works. Sometimes a player works better in a 6th man role. Manu G was like that in SA. Thats got nothing to do with making your 2 best players sit the bench to start both halves while you kill
Momentum, have situational lineups that don’t work, causes failure to maintain leads etc. all over promises and favoritism made to certain players. It’s also different to do it with TWO of your best players. There is no comparison to a guy like Robinson coming off the bench. None.

It’s unreal to me anyone continues to buy this. Even the national media has called him out on it. It’s unheard of that’s why, no one has or would do it. But we still have a hardened faction of guys he sold it to who can’t let it settle that he did it to the detriment of the team. Yes, Cal is a liar who doesn’t care about winning games. Even one of his players told them that, yet they still can’t get it.

Always selling, never delivering.
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Always selling, never delivering.

I think I’ll take the word of a HAWLAFAMER over a message bored tough guy !!!!!!!!!

“He makes quadruple your whole family income!!

I really don’t think some of them realize just who he’s referring to when he says “basketball bennies”.
He seems like a good dude and he works hard. He just has a ton of work to do. I do think one more year of school could have helped him a lot
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They didn't. That is the mantra here now though. Rob and Reed were "benched" the whole year. Never played. I understand the Cal hate, and even the complaints about Rob and Reed not starting, but to continue to say that they were "benched" is stupid.
That's why I post that. Just one more thing that the idiots in our fan base will latch on to. Some don't know any better, but some do. They will continue to think, had these guys started our season would be different. No it wouldn't have. We still had the same coach and those guys played more mins than anyone
If you go back and look you will see the exact opposite, including Reed and his mom saying he was in the gym more than most everyone. Just because you read it once on a message board doesn't make it fair to repeat it and desparage a kid that is just trying to live his dream.
I mean he disparages/makes light of special needs people so it aint nothing for him to disparage players. He also disparages every UK program immediately after a loss and enjoys stoking anger. He clearly thrives in negativity so just feel sorry for him/her.

Now bring up Nate Oats and he’ll perk up like a school kid. The flavor of the month is always his idea before anyone else’s. Chaos is the game but I guess that’s expected from a devout, helmet- wearing PC Tech/video gamer. 😆
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I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being a really good player. He just isn't right now. He needs time to develop and Cal tried to force him because, well Cal gonna Cal.
I would be shocked if he stuck in the league. He doesn't do little things well and he isn't very athletic. He added pudgy weight while at UK and that's always a bad sign for a guy going forward. Just my two cents.