Here's a depressing thought:
The latest scuttle from my NC State friends: if any charges stick, UNC's next move is to drag the NCAA into court. If so, that would delay any Judgment Day for another couple of years.
I don't know that this is a bad thing. Reveals UNC for what they really are, a bunch of people with absolutely no morals who will stoop at nothing to avoid taking responsibility for their own wrongdoing.
Compare that to Kentucky. UK has a bad reputation among many outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky for breaking the rules. And while they didn't always fully agree with the findings of those who sat in judgement of them, at the end of the day they took full responsibility for their past indiscretions and paid a heavy price for them.
The fact that UK has been able to overcome these obstacles and rebound each time to become even stronger is a testament to their true greatness.
UNC, OTOH has revealed themselves as a bunch of hypocrites who will do any and everything to avoid taking responsibility for their transgressions.
PS, keep in mind that up to now the NCAA has actually gone easy on UNC by allowing them to define and shape the issue. It was UNC that hired Wainstein to investigate but limited him strictly to AFAM Studies. And while the NCAA found plenty of infractions in Wainstein's report alone, don't forget that in doing so the NCAA essentially agreed not to pursue many other areas of potential infractions (such as Wheeks for Heels, Tami Hansbrough etc.)
I'd personally like to see, if this makes its way to the courtroom, the NCAA finally start treating UNC not as a cooperative partner, but as a uncooperative meddler which has tried to steer this "investigation" away from numerous issues it chose to ignore and coverup.
Maybe this will be the means to reopen these issues and reveal for all to see the true extent of this scandal, and the sanctimonious rot that has permeated Chapel Hill for decades now.