Surprised I didn't see this here yet:
Looks like they are currently working on their Masters at UNC.Surprised I didn't see this here yet:
I bet Roy could put them up in one of his houses where they could smoke weed and do drugs all the time.
I don't see the problem. This is clearly and academic issue, not an athletic one.
But, he's an athletic supporter..does that count?
Love that shirt.- If any of you idiots would actually read the article, it only says he is in "LA". Clearly it refers to "Los Alamos", and they're studying issues of national security. Alternatively, it's possible they're in Louisiana.
- "Charlamagne". The Emperor??? I don't think any Duke players were hanging out with Emperors! Ludicrous! And "Too Short" could be anybody. Do they expect us to think it's Napoleon??? Ridiculous! If you would actually read the article, you will see that I am right, and there is no other possible interpretation other than what I say it is.
- There is no time given when this "story" was supposed to have taken place; all we have is the publication date of the "story". For all we know, these pictures were taken in 1975!!
- Plus, we have no way of knowing that is Jahlil Okafor the Duke player. The unbiased and impartial "Coaching the Mind" approximates approximately 1,284 "Jahlil Okafors" extant; only one of whom played for Duke. What are the odds? Not very likely, I can tell you that much!
- I'm not even going to get into the number of "Matt Jones" on this planet ("Coaching the Mind" intimates a Kentucky connection with very heavy cheating involved- links to follow soon!)
- TMZ is notorious for flimsy journalism. Liberal media pushing an agenda. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
- You idiots better ANSWER MY QUESTIONS! I'M WINNING!!!!