Mike Nance is the king of blowing whistle for a break.I know they all are grey haired and out of shape. But have you ever noticed that there is always a foul called at the 16, 12, 8, and 4 minute mark? It's like they need a breather or oxygen.
That's not how it works. If you play through a media timeout then the next two consecutive dead balls would both media timeouts. So if the game went from 16:01-11:00 with zero dead balls, then the first dead ball would serve as the under 16:00 media timeout and the one directly after that would serve as the under 12:00.If we have a clean game from 16:01- 11:00 min left ESPN or whoever lost atleast 2 valuable full length commercial segments.
They aren’t a better shape than me. I’m a perfect circle.I know we all love a good ref hate fest around here, but let’s not act like those guys aren’t in better shape than 95 percent of this board.
Depends. What percentage of refs still live in their mother's basement?I know we all love a good ref hate fest around here, but let’s not act like those guys aren’t in better shape than 95 percent of this board.