🤣 at the idea either 14 or 15 were titles if Poy and WCS were both healthy. Results were much more likely the same Cal buttpucker sob stories with slightly different footnotes. Especially 15, which was wonderful smoke and mirrors but that team didn't have a natural three at all. Poy even when healthy was playing out of position. I wouldn't guarantee a loss with him healthy, would have liked to have seen it. But guaranteeing a victory with him is more of a stretch than almost anything else mentioned. Put that in your top slot if you feel you must but leave me out of it.
DA healthy was a title by a mile and Bogans was the next best thing. I wouldn't put a healthy Jax on this team that high, but higher than any of the others mentioned except Bowie, because he was before my time and I can't comment. Kentucky was not coming close to winning a title in 94 with or without Rodney Dent. Dent was great in spurts and crafty with his use of his stringy body, just like Andrew Carr. He was by no means a team-maker and that team had issues. Dale Brown's injury in 93 is more believable as a critical difference. By no means were we guaranteed a victory with him finishing that game. The whole reason he got injured was we were entirely overwhelmed once Mashburn fouled out. But all the same we were close and Brown, while streaky, was very hot when he was on. We -could- have won that game with Brown staying in and the path to the title was very clear after Michigan.