several great quotes on that article, really -
“Win a national title. That’s our expectation every year,” senior forward Alex Poythress said. “That’s what we strive to do.”
“With the guys that we have coming in, we have great players,” Ulis said. “Once again, we reloaded. It’s not like seven players left and nobody came in. We have a lot of good players here. We’re going to be a different team, a lot different from last year – we were a lot bigger last year – but we’re going to have fun.”
“I don’t really think there’s any pressure,” Floreal said. “What happened last year is with last year’s team, and I was blessed to be a part of that, but we’re not last year’s team. We’re not living on any of last year’s legacy. We’re a totally different team trying to do something completely different. If it so happens that that happens, that’s great, but we’re just trying to be the best team that we can be in order to reach the goals we want to reach.”
“As a team, I expect to win a national title,” Ulis said. “That’s what I want to do, that’s what we all want to do as a team. I don’t know if we can do what we did last year, but if we can that’s great, if not then if we win the national title that’s even better. That’s what we want to do.”
love their attitudes