Derek Kief offered by Bama

Alabama, which had been showing interest the past few weeks, was one of three offers Kief received March 7. West Virginia and Wisconsin followed up later that night bringing Kief's total offer count to 16 before this weekend.

Kief, who is 6 feet 5 and 190 pounds, also has offers from UC, Ohio State, Vanderbilt, Ohio University, Maryland, Bowling Green, Kent State, Kentucky, Northwestern, Boston College, Indiana, Illinois and Toledo.

Kief was scheduled to visit Northwestern this weekend and plans to visit Alabama March 22 and Ohio State March 29-30, according to his family.

"It's definitely really cool to see all the cities around the country," Kief said.

Kief wants a program that throws the ball "a decent amount," and wants a good rapport with coaches and a good fit with the campus. Kief said he is taking all the attention from college programs and social media in stride and lets the offers speak for themselves.

"I work hard for what I do," Kief said. "…It's pretty crazy but better to keep it low key on everything you do so some people don't think you are cocky."

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