Ask T. Jones. It's always ok when it works out for your team. DJ didn't feel the love and when they showed it he realized where his heart is.Why would anyone tell one team yes then change your mind another day?
Ask T. Jones. It's always ok when it works out for your team. DJ didn't feel the love and when they showed it he realized where his heart is.
TJ was a teenager torn by the presence of his friends. DJ is a Professional.
BIG difference.
My only question is will he receive $20 Million per from the Clippers?
I'd rate the NBA as 1. Spurs 2. Warriors 3. Cavs 4. Clippers
And consider how this screwed over Wes Matthews, who took less money than he could've had elsewhere to play on a contender, based on the idea that Jordan made the Mavs a contender. But now it appears he took less money for .....well ...really no reason at all.
No way I'd put the Clippers over OKC.
Can't figure out how it affects any former Cats, so don't care. Well, maybe slightly care because Mark Cuban is a former Hoosier and this chaps his ass.
As a Mavs fan, the bright side is that I don't have to watch this dumb ass shoot 40% on FTs for the next few years. A truly classless move on Jordan's part. This affects a lot of people other than him. I hope he gets hurt really, really bad next season, preferably in the pre-season.