Deandre Jordan will remain clipper


Feb 12, 2009
Looks like he is having second thoughts....not surprised, LA seems the better fit, but this is a crusher for Mavs.....

Jordan is a stud.
Lots of hate being thrown the Clippers way already. DJ is the one who contacted them with second thoughts however, anyone who argues they wouldn't have done the same in Doc's position isn't being honest with themselves.
Clippers are a unlikeable bunch imo. Not because of this, just not a fan of them in general.
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Why would anyone tell one team yes then change your mind another day?
Ask T. Jones. It's always ok when it works out for your team. DJ didn't feel the love and when they showed it he realized where his heart is.
TJ was who I was thinking of when I posted. Sometimes you have to think about what did I just do and realize you made a mistake.
Don't see how anyone can complain about this. It goes on all the time in the game of recruiting. He never signed a contract and he's the one who reached out to the Clippers. They did nothing wrong.
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They'll be a 50 win team again next year and get the 4-6 seed but won't have a great shot at winning the west because of GS, SA, OKC. They've got a great point guard, power forward, coach and a pretty good center who fits what they like to do. They still don't have much of a bench and no back up bigs worth much. Getting DJ to stay saved them though, they would be crippled without him and would have no $ to spend to try to replace him.
They did nothing wrong at all. These are adults and professionals. He's a free agent and hadn't signed a contract. Just because he intended to sign doesn't mean he did, and any team would have done the exact same to keep a player of that significance.
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Ask T. Jones. It's always ok when it works out for your team. DJ didn't feel the love and when they showed it he realized where his heart is.

TJ was a teenager torn by the presence of his friends. DJ is a Professional.

BIG difference.

My only question is will he receive $20 Million per from the Clippers?
Nothing wrong with changing your mind. I can see how the lure of coming closer to home could play with your mind. It's unfortunate for Dallas obviously, but with the moratorium in place, it's just the breaks. Kind of fitting this happened in the same off-season as Billy Donovan coming in to the league as a head coach.
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He is entitled to change his mind, but still really did the Mavs dirty here. Now they have no Tyson Chandler either, no other decent big men on the market, nobody to play center at all.

And consider how this screwed over Wes Matthews, who took less money than he could've had elsewhere to play on a contender, based on the idea that Jordan made the Mavs a contender. But now it appears he took less money for .....well ...really no reason at all.
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Celtics came out nice in this deal. They've got the Mavs 2016 top 7 protected 1st rounder.
Plenty of NBA people will say they did something wrong as its an unwritten law not to talk to free agent who have made a verbal commitment, but IDK how you could not talk to him if he's telling you he's having second thoughts.

They still lack any depth with their bigs, but if Lance Stevenson can return to form they will have an outside shot. It will basically be the same squad from last year except substitute Paul Pierce for Matt Barnes and add Lance.

I'd rate the NBA as 1. Spurs 2. Warriors 3. Cavs 4. OKC 5. Clippers
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And consider how this screwed over Wes Matthews, who took less money than he could've had elsewhere to play on a contender, based on the idea that Jordan made the Mavs a contender. But now it appears he took less money for .....well ...really no reason at all.

You have an interesting point. I wonder if any other players are having second thoughts right now and considering renegotiating.
No way I'd put the Clippers over OKC.

Hmmm, yeah if healthy you're probably right, with all the injuries they had this year they kinda slipped my mind. Only way I'd rate the Clippers ahead of them is if Lance was 2012-2014 Lance, but he's just as likely to be negative locker room force as he is to return to form so OKC probably deserves to be in front of them.
he never signed so, though Cuban could comment, it would just be whining.
As a Mavs fan, the bright side is that I don't have to watch this dumb ass shoot 40% on FTs for the next few years. A truly classless move on Jordan's part. This affects a lot of people other than him. I hope he gets hurt really, really bad next season, preferably in the pre-season.
This is a blessing for the Mavs, Cuban had a back-up plan if they struck out on some of their targets. Basically puts them in a 2-3 year rebuilding mode but to say Deandre Jordan is worth $100M is crazy. He's a great defender and can dunk...that's it. He's a slightly less skilled version of Dwight Howard, with no PG his game is trash.
Can't figure out how it affects any former Cats, so don't care. Well, maybe slightly care because Mark Cuban is a former Hoosier and this chaps his ass.

Hurts Dirk, who is a Cat in my book. But it also hurts Chandler Parsons, who definitely isn't. But it helps JJ Redick.

That's why I don't play that game with NBA moves. We're too vast a presence in the league. Every good thing for a UK guy probably also helps someone you'd hate as a UK fan.
As a Mavs fan, the bright side is that I don't have to watch this dumb ass shoot 40% on FTs for the next few years. A truly classless move on Jordan's part. This affects a lot of people other than him. I hope he gets hurt really, really bad next season, preferably in the pre-season.