Scangarello has got to work with Will on getting the ball out to these guys along the sidelines more. We seem to wait until their open to throw but they dont need to be, just get it in their direction and let them make plays. The back shoulder or under thrown ball has become the biggest weapon there is with an over 50% chance of a catch or penalty. And with these guys they have the ability to go up and make plays too on well thrown balls.
On these third down they have to emphasize getting the ball out no matter the coverage and let them make plays. Just cant keep taking sacks. If it gets picked 30 yards down field who cares, better and safer than us punting.
I did like Will's comments after the game where he said he's starting to learn to play more free and loose. That means less careful about letting it go. Trust himself and his receiveres. That's not as easy as it sounds either when you have such a short time to get rid of it already, but I think more routes that create one on ones for Key and Brown on the sidelines may help give Will a place to get it out there. If the are just running ins and curls its hard to let it go in a crowd still and I can understand that, so get them isolated somehow and let Will use that as his default. Kind of like, instead of throwing it out to avoid the sacks, throw it up and see if they can make plays or get a call.