Dan Kane: ACC Commish Swofford (former UNC AD) on UNC Scandal

He was the AD when most of this went down.

So, so, SO completely corrupt.
Dan Kane, flush with winning a major journalistic "courage" award, in part for standing up to death threats from UNC-Cheats lunatics, needs to write a piece contrasting the lightning pace of the SMU investigation by the NCAA with the crippled snail on downers pace of the NCAA's UNC debacle.

The kid SMU helped gain eligibility wasn't EVEN BORN when North Carolina started cheating.
Dan Kane, flush with winning a major journalistic "courage" award, in part for standing up to death threats from UNC-Cheats lunatics, needs to write a piece contrasting the lightning pace of the SMU investigation by the NCAA with the crippled snail on downers pace of the NCAA's UNC debacle.

The kid SMU helped gain eligibility wasn't EVEN BORN when North Carolina started cheating.
In all fairness, UNC** cheated for a lot longer and it probably took a long time to sort through all the infractions compared to SMU's. I mean, many analysts have called it the worst scandal in the history of the NCAA. Congrats to the cheaters for that!
So, Swofford doesn't really say why basketball kept the academic support separate?

Maybe someone can ask RevHeels why since he said scandal like this could never happen at UNC?
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At this point all that can be said about the cheating at UNC has been said,the only thing that remains in question is if the NCAA will act on any of the many violations.

Action by the NCAA doesn't seem likely at this point,they(NCAA) have had too long to think of ways to circumvent the issue.There are no words to describe how large this travesty in modern day college athletics has become.It dwarfs any scandal ever in the era of the NCAA and maybe in all of sports

It seems all we can do is stand by and watch it happen.In my lifetime I have been lucky enough to witness greatness(Ali,Rupp,Mantle, Marciano and 1,000 others)in various sports so I guess I may as well include the greatest display of cheating by one institution as well.
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There are many Freedom of Information Act requests to UNC*** that have yet to be responded too. There are lawsuits filed against UNC*** by some student athletes so it will be interesting to see the results.

From the attorney on one of those cases:

Hausfeld said the O'Bannon ruling will help him in McCants.

"In McCants, the NCAA says they have no obligation to academics," Hausfeld said. "This court says that's your very reason for existing."

Maybe that non profit status will go bye-bye. The NCAA may not be the final word on all of this.
shun1 is just sitting here in Dunn N.C., with arms crossed, watching the rain fall thinking BLESS THEIR HEARTS, I really feel for all of you UK fans, with all the concerns you express about our UNC TAR HEELS. I really wish all of you PEACE & HAPPINESS.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Complains about how long these investigations take. Yeah, that happens when a school does everything it possibly can to cover up, obfuscate, and hinder investigators.
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shun1 is just sitting here in Dunn N.C., with arms crossed, watching the rain fall thinking BLESS THEIR HEARTS, I really feel for all of you UK fans, with all the concerns you express about our UNC TAR HEELS. I really wish all of you PEACE & HAPPINESS.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE

Not concerned about UNCheats, we want the NCAA to do their job and punish said cheater:chairshot:
shun1 is just sitting here in Dunn N.C., with arms crossed, watching the rain fall thinking BLESS THEIR HEARTS, I really feel for all of you UK fans, with all the concerns you express about our UNC TAR HEELS. I really wish all of you PEACE & HAPPINESS.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are as phony as some Nazi wishing a Jewish person to have a nice day at a concentration camp. So is your program. But, yeah, you fit right in with every other UNCheat fan, so congrats!

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You are as phony as some Nazi wishing a Jewish person to have a nice day at a concentration camp. So is your program. But, yeah, you fit right in with every other UNCheat fan, so congrats!

My friend, you have free will to think whatever you wish of me. I will continue to wish PEACE & HAPPINESS for you & your UK fan base.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend, you have free will to think whatever you wish of me. I will continue to wish PEACE & HAPPINESS for you & your UK fan base.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Willing dupe^^^ Do you buy everything QVC sells? Contribute to every political campaign no matter the candidate? You have been duped by the RAM's club and the rest of those good ol' boys in the NC state government and you willingly continue to be duped and actively want everyone else to join your blind loyalty. Of course you could just be a Brad Bethel alt account he uses to post between shoe fittings.
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Willing dupe^^^ Do you buy everything QVC sells? Contribute to every political campaign no matter the candidate? You have been duped by the RAM's club and the rest of those good ol' boys in the NC state government and you willingly continue to be duped and actively want everyone else to join your blind loyalty. Of course you could just be a Brad Bethel alt account he uses to post between shoe fittings.
Hi martinsm30, I wish you PEACE & HAPPINESS my friend.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend, you have free will to think whatever you wish of me. I will continue to wish PEACE & HAPPINESS for you & your UK fan base.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a question for you.What do you wish for the countless young people who 'graduated' from UNC with a college 'degree' that wasn't worth the paper it was written on
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Willing dupe^^^ Do you buy everything QVC sells? Contribute to every political campaign no matter the candidate? You have been duped by the RAM's club and the rest of those good ol' boys in the NC state government and you willingly continue to be duped and actively want everyone else to join your blind loyalty. Of course you could just be a Brad Bethel alt account he uses to post between shoe fittings.
Hi martinsm30, I wish you PEACE & HAPPINESS my friend.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a question for you.What do you wish for the countless young people who 'graduated' from UNC with a college 'degree' that wasn't worth the paper it was written on
Hi docholiday51. My friend, for what wrong occurred at UNC has been well documented and whatever punishment occurs will be what it will be. My love for the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CONTINUES. My marriage to my wife of 40 years has not been perfect, but we still love each other.THANK GOD I will continue to wish all of the UK fan base PEACE & HAPPINESS
and as always.....

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi martinsm30, I wish you PEACE & HAPPINESS my friend.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi docholiday51. My friend, for what wrong occurred at UNC has been well documented and whatever punishment occurs will be what it will be. My love for the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CONTINUES. My marriage to my wife of 40 years has not been perfect, but we still love each other.THANK GOD I will continue to wish all of the UK fan base PEACE & HAPPINESS
and as always.....

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ROY & STAFF !!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK GOD that you are not in front of me right now. You are a brainwashed idiot of the highest order. Must have graduated from UNCheat.

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There is a tape where Kane interviews Swofford on DI.It is worth looking at.Maybe someone with better computer skills than me can post it here
the link above is the written interview. The one on DI is a taped one.Swofford spends most of it hemming and hawing
When I click that link I see an image of Swofford with a play button on his face just below the words:

Expresses concern about length of NCAA process
When I click that link I see an image of Swofford with a play button on his face just below the words:

Expresses concern about length of NCAA process

I decided to listen to the interview instead of just reading the article. Good grief! Swofford looked like he wanted to crawl in a hole and just bury his head. Every single answer seemed to be phrased in such a way to basically say, "I knew nothing. I know nothing. I am not accountable. I have no opinion. I am a complete moron."

I don't think the guy is a moron. I think he cheated to get to where he is today and he is fearful that everyone else will realize that too.
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To keep the analogy would mean that your wife is fast and loose and has no morals. Is that what you are telling us?

Preacher, not to pick nits, but I think that the analogy would be that they had a great "relations" over their 40 years. High marks all round each and every year. Then we find out that they hadn't been in the same room for 20 of those years.

I'll leave the analogy regarding the pre-written papers to the imagination, save to say that this marriage must have been a "team" effort.
I decided to listen to the interview instead of just reading the article. Good grief! Swofford looked like he wanted to crawl in a hole and just bury his head. Every single answer seemed to be phrased in such a way to basically say, "I knew nothing. I know nothing. I am not accountable. I have no opinion. I am a complete moron."

I don't think the guy is a moron. I think he cheated to get to where he is today and he is fearful that everyone else will realize that too.
The interview is just all around bad for him. Just awful that very few that can actually impact this whole thing it seems are either bought off or are part of the good old boy's club that perpetrated this thing.