There are probably some valid areas of comparison but I don't think they are overly similar players other than physical measurable height with Nazr being a little shorter, speed seems similar though I'm going from 20 year old memory, limited vertical but skill and basketball aptitude wise I want to say they are fairly different. Nazr had better footwork by many lightyear and better than most any guy his size not named Duncan. Big Naz had significantly better hands, more range (like reliable at least to 8-10 feet, a much better arsenal and more natural set of offensive moves, and while he was not an AD or even a Magloire I'd say he was a better than solid defender both individually and in the team concept.
Simply put, Mohammad was a much better and smoother all around player even as a freshman he just needed to be in Pitino shape to see regular and serious PT.
By the time he was a sophomore he was at least 2-4 years ahead of where Dakari is today, maybe more.
Nazr was at least one level ahead, in my opinion.