"dailydoublecat" posts on UF's nuttinbutnet board..

Jan 1, 2009
Not sure how many of you ever visit the Gator's nuttinbutnet board, I do every now and then.

Anyway there's this poster who seems to usually be a pretty solid UK fan, but will never post on any of our board because he's afraid of something? Usually has pretty good things to say about the Cats and Cal, although he spent most of the early season pining for a LOSS and goes out of his way to pacify the Gator fans with exorbitant praises for BD.

Really hit it out of the park though lately with these comments:

If I'm being honest if we lose all of these players I'd rather start over with a whole new coaching staff. My opinion of course.


ROAR for #22

Apr 5, 2015

I'm just to the
point of let's give someone else the keys and see where they can take

ROAR for #22

Apr 5, 2015

I would rather start from scratch with someone else with a new plan and ideas. I am ready for change.

ROAR for #22

Today at 1:18 PM

in this thread :

now I'm not one to dig up posts on other boards and post them here but just wondering if any of you have experienced such asinine thoughts from any other UK fans since the loss ?

Originally posted by CatFanInTheBathtub:
Not sure how many of you ever visit the Gator's nuttinbutnet board, I do every now and then.

Anyway there's this poster who seems to usually be a pretty solid UK fan, but will never post on any of our board because he's afraid of something? Usually has pretty good things to say about the Cats and Cal, although he spent most of the early season pining for a LOSS and goes out of his way to pacify the Gator fans with exorbitant praises for BD.

Really hit it out of the park though lately with these comments:

If I'm being honest if we lose all of these players I'd rather start over with a whole new coaching staff. My opinion of course.


ROAR for #22

Apr 5, 2015

I'm just to the
point of let's give someone else the keys and see where they can take

ROAR for #22

Apr 5, 2015

I would rather start from scratch with someone else with a new plan and ideas. I am ready for change.

ROAR for #22

Today at 1:18 PM

in this thread :

now I'm not one to dig up posts on other boards and post them here but just wondering if any of you have experienced such asinine thoughts from any other UK fans since the loss ?

If it's even a UK fan, I'm sure he also roots loves Pitino and roots for UL.
He says he wants Donovan as a potential candidate instead if it were possible - who has had the better past 6 years again? I can't recall.
I've got an account on nuthin but net and have since 2006ish. He's a delusional turd and has been for a long time.
Originally posted by .S&C.:
I've got an account on nuthin but net and have since 2006ish. He's a delusional turd and has been for a long time.
This would explain why you don't see him on this board. All the delusional turds frequent the UofL board.
I have no problem with his statement, "I would rather start from scratch with someone else with a new plan and ideas. I am ready for change."

My suggestion to "dailydoublecat" is to change your handle to "louisvilleslobberjob" and pull for another team.
Perfect solution...
I'm very familiar with him. He does nothing but suck up to Florida fans and the Gators 100% of the time. He shrugs off most of UK's success as no big deal. However, he knows nothing about anything. He's a poser.
Never heard of him. I always thought hanging out on other teams boards was kinda creepy.

God knows I've made my own mistakes on the internetz, but yeah, dude is off his rocker.
Pretty sure this is the same guy who used to be JCookie on the old AOL boards....could be wrong
DDC is definitely a Kentucky fan. He's simply not a poser when it comes to that. There's not a team he'd cheer for over the cats - whether Cal is still at UK or not.

He's had a different perspective than the average UK fan for as long as I've seen him post. I've perceived some of his comments, but just a few times, as looking like an attempt at pandering to an overwhelmingly and understandably anti-UK crowd.

I'm not suggesting anyone has to agree with him all the time, UK fan or otherwise, but he's a UK fan.
Its not as much pandering to Gators fans as it is that he is a huge Donovan fan...wanted him to be the coach in 1997.
Rem...I agree the guy is a big UK fan but can't agree that he would never cheer for another team. He's been quoted this past season as hoping the Cats lost to the Gators. Without getting into semantics, to me that's the same as cheering for the Gators vs UK. His latest comments about wanting a new coach after a FF season.....I felt they needed to be exposed because they are an embarrassment to BBN. Tired of this guy hiding his true feelings in the comfort of a rival message board.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by CatFanInTheBathtub:
Rem...I agree the guy is a big UK fan but can't agree that he would never cheer for another team. He's been quoted this past season as hoping the Cats lost to the Gators. Without getting into semantics, to me that's the same as cheering for the Gators vs UK. His latest comments about wanting a new coach after a FF season.....I felt they needed to be exposed because they are an embarrassment to BBN. Tired of this guy hiding his true feelings in the comfort of a rival message board.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
REM08 is a lot nicer guy than me.

So here is my take on Jeff aka DailyDoubleCat: I tend to think that Jeff is nothing but a suck-up. He does follow the Cats but secondarily to the Gators. In fact many times there are indications that Jeff only watches a few UK games as he rarely knows any details of the games. In the past he justified missing most of the games because raising his little daughter was more important than basketball games. Of course I raised kids and I never missed a damned game and those kids I raise don't miss a damned game either.

Plus Jeff occasionally posts on this board and this board is where he gets his UK information to tramp back to Nuttin'ButNet. He never posts the pro-UF or anti-UK stuff over here because he knows well he would get banned. Contrary to REM08, I don't view Jeff as a UK fan but as a poser who is a casual UK fan and a casual college basketball fan.

Last year when Florida was beating UK three times he was on Cats Illustrated often along with Austing8r, MWilliamson
rubbing salt into our wounds. This year he has minimized the greatness of this great UK team to the Gators on NBN.

That is the way I see it. Jeff is a total fake.
Originally posted by Rem08:
DDC is definitely a Kentucky fan. He's simply not a poser when it comes to that. There's not a team he'd cheer for over the cats - whether Cal is still at UK or not.

He's had a different perspective than the average UK fan for as long as I've seen him post. I've perceived some of his comments, but just a few times, as looking like an attempt at pandering to an overwhelmingly and understandably anti-UK crowd.

I'm not suggesting anyone has to agree with him all the time, UK fan or otherwise, but he's a UK fan.
He has you fooled. The guy is a Gator suck up, plain and simple!
My God, those fans are truly delusional. There are people on that board who are saying Kentucky won't be able to match up with Florida next year. Did any of them watch their own implosion this past year? Did they see their incoming freshman class with nothing in the top 50 and only 2 top 100 guys? I'm not saying we're going to march all over them, anything could happen, but they're presenting it as a simple case of logic that they will be the better team.
My God, those fans are truly delusional. There are people on that board who are saying Kentucky won't be able to match up with Florida next year. Did any of them watch their own implosion this past year? Did they see their incoming freshman class with nothing in the top 50 and only 2 top 100 guys? I'm not saying we're going to march all over them, anything could happen, but they're presenting it as a simple case of logic that they will be the better team.
It would be good to see them get another sub 500 season. They has some very nasty fans.