D Walker takes off a ton of plays in half 2 ?

Hard to keep playing 110% when teammates are mailing it in on offense. He should just go on the injured list, wait to go pro. There is no reason for him to get hurt between now and draft. He has legit shot to make sure serious cash.
Dude was gassed when ole miss was no huddling us. He’s more of a rush disrupter and being double teamed so his impact doesn’t show up on the stat sheet.
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Walker has a bad back. Some thought he might not even play and indeed pretty much sat out the 4th Q. Silver likewise has been dinged and now Weaver's gone. That's why teams has been gashing this D. Last spring UK lost 3 DL but people thought since UK had Silver/Walker et al they'd be fine. Then they go down. Remember this mantra: "You can never have enough DL." UK's in a world of hurt, things will get worse before they get better. UK has 3 quality young DL coming in, they must hold that class together.
He can't play every down. He has played way more snaps this year than he should have and it really looks like it is catching up with him this late into the season. UK has had games where he had 50+ snaps in a game. That is just way too many snaps considering he is double teamed just about every single play he is on the field.
He’s been a monster of a player for us , but damn , when the game is in reach and it’s 3rd and short … get in the game ! In the 3rd Q !
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He is great kid . Has been loyal to this program. He and any others with NFL hopes should be excused from the rest of the season. Experience should go to players coming back next year. Let Bolley QB the while Murray State game . This season is done and we are not going bowling.
Look for him to be on the injured list. For the rest of the season. You wont see Maxwell Hariston back either. Scouts know they can play ball. Why risk injury and millions, playing for nothing, under this awful coaching staff? I'd do the same.
Sounds like a sick ultra selfish attitude you are advocating for.
Look for him to be on the injured list. For the rest of the season. You wont see Maxwell Hariston back either. Scouts know they can play ball. Why risk injury and millions, playing for nothing, under this awful coaching staff? I'd do the same.
Then he needs to pony up his NIL money to someone who wants to play.
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Basic economics. You’d do the same. Lets not kid ourselves.
I'm not saying Deone is taking plays off "because he doesn't want to hurt his future money-wise", I don't think he is. But IF that were the case, that player can kiss my ass. It's just one more reason college sports is starting to appeal to me less and less. Guys quitting so they can secure their future. Then why TF am I even watching college sports anymore? If the only place you're ever gonna see guys busting their asses is in the NFL and ONLY if they're "gettin' paid".

I'm a college sports fan first. If guys are gonna not try hard for these reasons, I have to wonder what I'm actually getting out of my fandom. So, it's okay not to care in this situation if you're a player, but if a fan starts losing interest because they don't like seeing guys take plays off because they're "protecting their future", then they're not a "real fan"?

This whole "it's okay for guys to mail it in because they're protecting their future" idea should NOT be a thing. It's not making me more of a fan, only less of one. If the college game I grew up loving doesn't matter because players should be prioritizing their pro careers over trying to win for UK, what is the point of watching or caring at all as a fan anymore?
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He got his first sack LOL. Game number eight. Damn. I would have never believed that even as an interior lineman.
Weaver got injured or whatever in the second half and definitely there was no trying to stop the run game.
^^^ I feel your pain big blue brother . As I set there watching Auburn man handle us I’m looking for our all American to stuff a run play , they converted some 3rd and shorts and DW isn’t even on the field . He’s a fantastic player but he needed to be on the field .
Our group of 6 all decided after multiple years meeting and tailgating we are done . Unless someone pumps new life into the program . I’m gonna take a few plays off so to speak .