Credit Paul Biancardi


Mar 13, 2012
two weeks ago ON TELEVISION said a family source told him Brown would choose Michigan or California. Lots of UK 'insiders' played UK fans the last couple of days.
two weeks ago ON TELEVISION said a family source told him Brown would choose Michigan or California. Lots of UK 'insiders' played UK fans the last couple of days.

Who does it really hurt...

Is is Cal an Adidas school? They are so irrelevant in basketball, I have no idea. But I guess they got rabb and brown, so damn.
two weeks ago ON TELEVISION said a family source told him Brown would choose Michigan or California. Lots of UK 'insiders' played UK fans the last couple of days.

Do you honestly think "insiders" associated with UK intentionally misled the fans?
There's nothing to credit lol the kids pick a school eventually. It is what it is. If you know 2 weeks in advance or at the announcement it makes no difference
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A kid from Georgia is going to play for Cal when there is tons of playing time at his position at Kentucky? So who from Brown's circle of people has the connection to Cuonzo Martin? There has to be a connection there. Did Brown room with Rabb at these all star games? Or have they roomed in years past at different camps and AAU tourney's. Just weird.
We all hurt at the moment and say things that we usually don't.
I have at least one of my recent threads removed by our level headed moderators, even if I had not said something bad in my opinion.
I'm not complaining, because I think I may have gone too far in their opinion.
Frustration caused by hours of unnecessary delay in announcement to dramatize a simple letting us fans know where they plan to play by some of these kids in order to make themselves look more important than they really are, will and does cause a reactionary measure by fans.
I for one would have preferred had the kid treated us like he did KU, by simply eliminating us than using the name UK as a way to accentuate his final destination.
Once a pleasant college sports recruitment, is now being used by some attention grabbing kids.
This is just another example of regressive revolution in our country, sad to say.
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I will credit no one and they can rot in hell.

Did you used to a Mod? Seems like 10 yrs ago I was blacklisted on one of my other handles because I said that Tubby would never lead us to another FF. Seems like the mod had a similar handle as you.
Major problem I see with the board and the 'insiders' is the fact that people report what they want to happen, and most of the time it has absolutely nothing to do with the facts.
Only good thing abt the Brown situation was all the experts were wrong.

The crystal ball was exposed, and all the know-it-alls who said he was going to an Adidas school were wrong too. He ends up at a freaking Jordan Brand school.
Yes..some people make up stuff just to drive web hits implying UK is about to get someone so people keep refreshing their page.
Do you honestly think "insiders" associated with UK intentionally misled the fans?

Someone within his circle was indeed leaking some misdirect signals.

I also read where Paul said that. It's revealing....keep UK & draw attention.
Maybe it did come down to a last minute pick between UK and Cal. Maybe UK did lead at one point during the day.

I do think Michigan was eliminated the day before, and all the smoke around that with the Assistant Coach unfollowing Brown arose because he called and told them they were cut.

In other words, I suspect there was real substance to some of the rumors going around.
I thank there was a lot of trolls on here last night trying to make us thank he was coming here..
you're thinking of JasonS. most likely. That is not me (well it is, but isn't). He's a more powerful, equally as intelligent, slightly less attractive JasonS (I assume). He still mods.
It might have been, he was a huge tubby supporter. I guess in the end it all worked out. I made another handle and got that one blacklisted I think in Tubby's last season and then got this one a few years ago.
I guess all powerful JasonS is heartbroken?
Those were the good ole days of the battles with WindyCitydouche or whatever his name was. Changed it to friend of Tubby lol, Greg Hoover was here posting drivel etc
We don't really have any good "insiders." Cal and staff are very tight-lipped. Anybody could have picked UK in years past because we basically got whoever we wanted. 50/50 shot? The smart money was on UK. That doesn't make you an insider.

I just especially hate the Brown situation because I ignored him for MONTHS knowing he wasn't coming here. I thought his Adidas ties were too strong and his family clearly disliked UK. Then, in an ultimate kick to the nuts, our "insiders" start hearing positive news, I get invested again on the day of the announcement...and he goes to another school...that wasn't even Adidas.

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