Create Blu Ray with Menu?


May 22, 2002
I want to Create a Blu Ray of several UK games on 1 Disc with Menu. Is there a program that will do this ?


This post was edited on 3/28 12:15 PM by _ukcat
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

If you want to copulate with Blu Ray quality, you're going to need a much bigger hard drive. I bet yours is pretty small and limited.
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

Please, UKCat, tell me you put "copulation" in the title on purpose for some reason.
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

I like to copulate with my vcr...whilst rewinding.
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

Old school Beta copulation was shocking
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

oops my bad... was thinking about last night....
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

Originally posted by _ukcat:
oops my bad... was thinking about last night....
In that case your thread title should have been some variation of "How to make a Blu-balls compilation."
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

ANYWAY, back to the main topic. What do you have the games on? Your computer? And, what types of files are they?
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

Originally posted by Desperado_1955:
ANYWAY, back to the main topic. What do you have the games on? Your computer? And, what types of files are they?
I would like to catalogue the games I have on DVR. How would I do this? I am a Dinosaur when it comes to this stuff.
Re: Create Blu Ray Copulation with Menu?

BlueRay converter, makers of ConvertXtoDVD (wish is was more awesome like convertxxxtodvd)

Its best and easiest program I have found on the market. Will convert any type of file to blue ray (m2ts). This whole line makes great and easy stuff.

If you do some searches on bit torrent, i.e. download a bit torrent client, and find a site like piratebay, you may be able to skip the middle man and get all for free...

The cost, if you dont know what you are doing and go to a shady source, they will infect your computer with nasty stuff. While its free, its not. Skill is the price tag. Then again, its very easy.

BlueRay converter