The NCAA rulebook, Rule 10, Section 2 (Administrative Technical Fouls), Article 6:
Art. 6. A team shall not have more than five players legally on the playing court to participate after the ball becomes live.
PENALTY: (Art. 6) Penalized when the violation occurs after the ball becomes live. Two free throws awarded to the offended team. The ball shall be put back in play at the point of interruption.
The rule book assumes one of the refs can count 5, it isn't real clear on who gets possession after the 2 free throws but generally the team shooting ft's also gets the ball. It also doesn't say what to do with points scored before the technical was called during live play, say for instance one of the refs figured it out after they already scored.
If I was ref here, I would check monitor, say yea we screwed up, take points off board, WKU shoots 2 ft's then ULL gets ball with same time as before violation but with only 5 men now and trailing by how many FT's WKU hit, or still tied if 0.