Cowherd going after Wall again


May 13, 2007
Apparently Colin Cowherd has been going on and on about Wall this morning, accusing him of throwing up gang signs during the game last night...

1) Sincerely doubt that was the case.
2) Even if it was, the last person we need to hear anything about John Wall from is Cowherd

Still, wish someone would shut this guy up for good. Unfortunately ESPN caters to carnival barking no-talent clowns like him and Stephen A. Smith so we're stuck with them dumbing down the discourse for the forseeable future.

Here's a link to the Busted Coverage article which supposedly broke the story first:
He was throwing up the B's, but Cowherd is still completely wrong about him and his refusal to accept that is startling.
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Cowherd is just looking for anything to discount Wall. It looks like a recognizable symbol for the Bloods but players have countless complicated hand gestures/handshakes now so who knows what it really was. Paul Pierce, Zach Randolph and many others throw up "gang signs" during play with no consequence. IF it was a gang sign I think Wall should take a look at the possible implications this could have on the youth that looks up to him. With all that said Cowherd is just swinging in the dark here.
If he was, then he should be called out.

If he wasn't then Cowherd needs to be taken to task.

As for Wall, the more I hear him speak, as his NBA career has progressed, the more I like him.

One of my favorite NBA players.
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Cowherd is sticking to his guns on the issue even though he's been proven 100% wrong.

Cowherd was bashing Blake Griffin a couple of weeks back...and then he dominated and dominated and dominated and have not heard much from him on the topic since then. Cowherd won't acknowledge he exists much until Griffin loses a key game for his team. Then Cowherd will be back and "proven correct!"
If he were throwing up gang signs (which it seems no one knows for sure), would he be doing it just to look cool, or because of an affiliation. For instance, people are always throwing up "Westside" in pictures, etc with no affiliation what-so-ever.
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He'll continue to bash Wall. Look at a the free publicity he's gotten because of it. ESPN loves it.

Don't believe me? Look at their latest shake up. Stephen A and Skip are 2 of the highest paid on the network And they're currently renegotiating Cowherds contract. Meanwhile they severed ties with Bill Simmons.

Cowherds ridiculous criticism of Wall has drummed up so much activity; it's just a matter of time before he picks another target to further increase his brand. Probably another UK player since he'll be assured of tens of thousands of people continually bombarding him with communication. All while he laughs all the way to the bank.
I wish players would bring back the antlers sign..back in during our 90s run Tony Delk would always throw that one up, that was bad ass
He'll continue to bash Wall. Look at a the free publicity he's gotten because of it. ESPN loves it.

Don't believe me? Look at their latest shake up. Stephen A and Skip are 2 of the highest paid on the network And they're currently renegotiating Cowherds contract. Meanwhile they severed ties with Bill Simmons.

Cowherds ridiculous criticism of Wall has drummed up so much activity; it's just a matter of time before he picks another target to further increase his brand. Probably another UK player since he'll be assured of tens of thousands of people continually bombarding him with communication. All while he laughs all the way to the bank.

Simmons is too much of a jerk for ESPN...he speaks his mind too freely, which I don't mind, but he is a POS arrogant jerk to people off-screen apparently and is a prima donna in the finest. I thought he sucked on the NBA Countdown show anyways, but his role in 30 for 30 and Grantland are very high marks. He was/is also a good writer when he still writes now. He also wanted a lot of money, even though he was already the highest paid at ESPN.
he's wrong on wall. he's also obnoxious as heck and ignorant on many things. but he's not talentless. he, sas, skip, even wilbon, all have talent. all these guys are witty and good speakers. their agenda or tone may annoy us but they're on tv for a reason, and we know this.

the real problem is they know mostly jack about the college game. wilbon knows some college bball and cowherd some college football. that's it. it's all nba and nfl, and this is why they look like asses when talking about kentucky, or just college sports in general. this more than anything is why i don't really care for any of them.

cowherd's defense of cal last year was welcome. the man can definitely talk.
Cowturd is by far the worst sports on-air personality I've ever seen or heard. Even worse than Skip Clueless. He's an admitted front-runner, and goes after guys on a personal level.
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he's wrong on wall. he's also obnoxious as heck and ignorant on many things. but he's not talentless. he, sas, skip, even wilbon, all have talent. all these guys are witty and good speakers. their agenda or tone may annoy us but they're on tv for a reason, and we know this.

the real problem is they know mostly jack about the college game. wilbon knows some college bball and cowherd some college football. that's it. it's all nba and nfl, and this is why they look like asses when talking about kentucky, or just college sports in general. this more than anything is why i don't really care for any of them.

cowherd's defense of cal last year was welcome. the man can definitely talk.

I worry about ANYBODY who thinks wilbon is talented.
John Wall will be remembered long after his playing career ends. No one will remember who Cowherd is when he is done.
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Simmons is too much of a jerk for ESPN...he speaks his mind too freely, which I don't mind, but he is a POS arrogant jerk to people off-screen apparently and is a prima donna in the finest. I thought he sucked on the NBA Countdown show anyways, but his role in 30 for 30 and Grantland are very high marks. He was/is also a good writer when he still writes now. He also wanted a lot of money, even though he was already the highest paid at ESPN.

I didn't like him at all on nba countdown and could never figure out why he was even there.

In terms of producing content and reporting, he's the best in the entire industry By a wide margin. The comments he always got in trouble for were all true.

Cowherd is the exact opposite. Like someones given that overzealous sports dad a microphone and national stage.
I worry about ANYBODY who thinks wilbon is talented.
much the same way i would about people who are incapable of being objective. i gave my reasons why. if you think he can't speak, or is slow in remark that's fine. i'd disagree. he has great timing imo. has nothing to do with his ideas. i don't think any of the espn lot can make sound arguments consistently.

at the end of the day, they are entertainers. it'd just be nice to get a real college sports guru on one of these shows. i know for many it was svp. and i can use him as an example. he's a great sports mind and huge college fan, but imho is not very entertaining.
much the same way i would about people who are incapable of being objective. i gave my reasons why. if you think he can't speak, or is slow in remark that's fine. i'd disagree. he has great timing imo. has nothing to do with his ideas. i don't think any of the espn lot can make sound arguments consistently.

at the end of the day, they are entertainers. it'd just be nice to get a real college sports guru on one of these shows. i know for many it was svp. and i can use him as an example. he's a great sports mind and huge college fan, but imho is not very entertaining.

At the end of the day, Wilbon is a negative racist, who has no knowledge of anything to do with college sports or its coaching. If you believe his trash, maybe you need to reevaluate your objectives.
At the end of the day, Wilbon is a negative racist, who has no knowledge of anything to do with college sports or its coaching. If you believe his trash, maybe you need to reevaluate your objectives.
i believe his trash? i like him? reevaluate my objectives? i think you need to reevaluate what i wrote lol.
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Well staying on topic Wall did throw up some gang I don't care about it but we all know how the reaction on this board would be if an opposing player did it while playing Kentucky
I don't care what Cowherd thinks. He is completely irrelevant. Don't why anyone gives any credence to anything he says. Just a big mouth without any knowledge.
i believe his trash? i like him? reevaluate my objectives? i think you need to reevaluate what i wrote lol.

Just talking about wilbon, I just don't think he's entertaining nor educational when it comes to sports. He seems to have an agenda in some areas, and that is why I don't like tohim. I thought you did like him if not sorry for my rant, lol.
Just talking about wilbon, I just don't think he's entertaining nor educational when it comes to sports. He seems to have an agenda in some areas, and that is why I don't like tohim. I thought you did like him if not sorry for my rant, lol.
it's fine. no i don't like him. i just make general comments.
Cowherd reminds me of some on here, arrogantly arguing a weak opinion that's always negative about a player or the team. See: "Terrence Jones flexing" (a debate that got me, the guy defending our player, suspended for a little while, while hateful posters got to stay on board and trash him without reprimand).

If Kyrie Irving (or Austin Rivers, or another former Duke guy) had played with a broken hand and made what should've been the game winning block, Cowherd would have canceled his show today in order to begin building a statue in his likeness and honor.
I have always found the Wilbon/Cowheard stuff on here interesting. I like both guys, enjoy listening/watching their shows. It doesn't mean I agree on everything they say. I don't get Wilbon's constant take on the fan base, or Cal to the NBA stuff. I don't agree with Colin's take on John Wall. I get where they come from in making those opinions but I don't agree with them. They're doing something right. They have highly rated shows, and a lot of fans. I know people will argue if you move the needle that's all that matters but there's more to it than that. You can be liked and hated but you have to be liked more and be good at your job. Simmons was a guy who did some of that but let his arrogance get in the way. He was suspended, and constantly went after his bosses on air. Then the whole cheering like a fan while on the set during the NBA Draft last year I think really embarrassed ESPN.

Colin has been pretty pro UK since Cal has taken over the program. All year he praised and praised UK but it was practicality crickets on Colin until he said a couple days out from the FF he could see Wisconsin beating UK, then it was grab the pitchforks and torches. I didn't catch his show today so I don't know what was said but if Wall was throwing up gang signs, someone needs to pull him aside and tell him to stop. You take into account the gang problem that exists in DC and that Wall is the face of the franchise, that's not something you want to see from a player like Wall. By all accounts, Wall seems like a good kid but seeing that last night is not something that needs to be encouraged.
This idea that UK fans only like someone when they say good things about UK and then hate everyone who says anything less than glowing is so facile and lazy. Not to mention wrong. For some reason a certain section of this board's membership just loves to bash UK fans. Always finding opportunities to claim they are the worst fans, that they do nothing but bitch about the haters, that they are never satsified, etc, etc, etc. It boggles my mind that otherwise intelligent people are seemingly ignorant of the fact that fanbases are pretty much the same. As much as we like to make fun of UL, IU, and UNCheat fans (and we do), realistically there are no qualities that are endemic to those fanbases, which you can't find elsewhere. If one persuses other teams' boards, one finds the same things that bothers this segment I am talking about.

Admittedly we do see a LOT of posts during our games complaining about officiating, and then the attendant posts complaining about how our fans are the worst about that. Yet, you go to the UNCheat boards and look at their game threads and you get the same thing. Not nearly as many posts of course, because there aren't nearly as many people on their board (Rivals anyway). I'm not singling anyone out, but I have noticed a handful of posters who apparently sit and wait for things that bother them so they can call out UK fans once again. I just don't get it.
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He was throwing up the B's, but Cowherd is still completely wrong about him and his refusal to accept that is startling.

Come on guys. It was clearly a gang sign and he's clearly a blood. But let's not forget, as in Baltimore, gangs are now helping to create a positive atmosphere for minoritites and others in their communities by banning together to fight the real issues of the day!! We should all have DIALOGUE DIALOGUE DIALOGUE and discuss how much these gangs are helping the communities!!! Give them space to destroy AND grow. :):):)

In all seriousness, optics are everything. If it appeared to be some kind of sign that could be misinterpreted, being in that position, I wouldn't do it. just my opinion, and I'm sure wall wasn't using some kind of gang sign intentionally.
Cowturd is stupid and a joke, he don't know nothin about nothin...

Until he says something positive about UK again and then he's intelligent, well opinionated, and generally a good read/listen for all things sports.

/ Rafters

While I appreciate your sarcasm (sometimes), this is a pointless post.

Cowherd bashed Wall for stupid reasons when he entered the league and will continue to do so because he's too stubborn/prideful to admit when he's wrong.
While I appreciate your sarcasm (sometimes), this is a pointless post.

Cowherd bashed Wall for stupid reasons when he entered the league and will continue to do so because he's too stubborn/prideful to admit when he's wrong.

This is the same guy that's liked himself 400 times :)
I'm assuming Cowherd (oops, almost used a t) called Wall or his spokesperson/agent and verified that Wall was using these gestures and their exact meaning? This is to be expected from some that supposedly practices quality journalism. Sure he did so.

I'm assuming Cowherd (oops, almost used a t) called Wall or his spokesperson/agent and verified that Wall was using these gestures and their exact meaning? This is to be expected from some that supposedly practices quality journalism. Sure he did so.

He could be wrong and so could a lot of people since it seems to be a big topic today not just by Cowherd
Apparently Colin Cowherd has been going on and on about Wall this morning, accusing him of throwing up gang signs during the game last night...

1) Sincerely doubt that was the case.
2) Even if it was, the last person we need to hear anything about John Wall from is Cowherd

Still, wish someone would shut this guy up for good. Unfortunately ESPN caters to carnival barking no-talent clowns like him and Stephen A. Smith so we're stuck with them dumbing down the discourse for the forseeable future.

Here's a link to the Busted Coverage article which supposedly broke the story first:
I have always found the Wilbon/Cowheard stuff on here interesting. I like both guys, enjoy listening/watching their shows. It doesn't mean I agree on everything they say. I don't get Wilbon's constant take on the fan base, or Cal to the NBA stuff. I don't agree with Colin's take on John Wall. I get where they come from in making those opinions but I don't agree with them. They're doing something right. They have highly rated shows, and a lot of fans. I know people will argue if you move the needle that's all that matters but there's more to it than that. You can be liked and hated but you have to be liked more and be good at your job. Simmons was a guy who did some of that but let his arrogance get in the way. He was suspended, and constantly went after his bosses on air. Then the whole cheering like a fan while on the set during the NBA Draft last year I think really embarrassed ESPN.

Colin has been pretty pro UK since Cal has taken over the program. All year he praised and praised UK but it was practicality crickets on Colin until he said a couple days out from the FF he could see Wisconsin beating UK, then it was grab the pitchforks and torches. I didn't catch his show today so I don't know what was said but if Wall was throwing up gang signs, someone needs to pull him aside and tell him to stop. You take into account the gang problem that exists in DC and that Wall is the face of the franchise, that's not something you want to see from a player like Wall. By all accounts, Wall seems like a good kid but seeing that last night is not something that needs to be encouraged.

Very good post.