Composite rankings: UK commitment now a five-star

Not that surprising, he will rise more throughout his Senior year. His progression over the past year has been pretty insane, and I expect it to continue.

If he works more on his handles and passing, look out.
After watching match up with Stone, I think he will be a good 2 year player. I see him coming off the bench and being a very productive player his first year, then starting and being a 12ppg and 8rpg type of big. With his size and those numbers, I think it will be good enough to declare for the NBA his so year. That might sound silly, but when you're 7ft, the NBA will take a long look and take a chance on You quicker than if you were 6'9.
It's looking like it's gonna be a good recruiting class, I'm not gonna freak out like I did last year[winking] cause Cal is da man:cool2: