Comcast C/S Morons


Aug 22, 2001
We have a season plan with Comcast at our winter home and I called them today to have service stopped on May 1. Here is how the conversation went:

Comcast Moron : Good morning welcome to Comcast, I'm Moron how can I help you today?
Me: I'm calling to advise you of the dates on my seasonal plan.
CM: Oh I understand you are interested in our seasonal plan
Me: No I'm already on the plan I just want to get my dates set
CM: Let me have some information from you so I can pull up your account. OK I have it how can I help you today?
Me: I calling about my seasonal account
CM: did you say you are interested in a season account?
Me: Yes I tried the automated service but my departure date was not on file
CM: I see you have broadband and cable TV are you unsatisfied with anything?
Me: No this has nothing to do with that, I'm calling about my season plan
CM: So you want to establish a season account is that correct?
Me: Lady how many more times are you going to ask me the same question - this isn't rocket science I want my account suspended on May 1 can you handle that or not?
CM: let me put you on hold - 5 minutes later - I'm sorry for that long hold, I now have your account set to be deactivated on May 1

A $150 Billion market cap company and this is the best they can do?

This post was edited on 3/23 3:08 PM by Deeeefense
Keep in mind this is the same idiot company that runs MSNBC. So incompetence should be expected.
It's really a pick your poison with Comcast CS (I assume you mean customer service). If you call during the day, you get a surly pissed off woman who's annoyed that you called. At night, you get a guy from Bangalore asking you to "kindly wait" while he accesses your account information, repeatedly, and puts you on hold for twenty minutes at a time. Surly woman doesn't put you on hold, however, because you're not getting whatever it is you want anyway, so there's no reason to tie up the line. Bangalore guy wants to help, really, but he has no idea how to help. Each call center has its strengths and weaknesses and it absolutely depends on your schedule.
Worst company in the U.S.

I tried to call and cancel my service in October and they kept trying to offer me (slightly) better deals, transferred me a million times and did whatever they could to keep me on the phone. After 40 minutes, I hung up and tried back the following day. Same thing.

I didn't pay my bill for two months and they cut it off. Paid in full when I took my equipment back.

Problem solved.