Coach Pitino at the All Star Game

I'd be tempted to say it's even more evidence he and jr are 1%'rs, duh, except a friend of mine once went to buy us tickets for a regular Rockies game. When it was done the person in the booth ask him if he'd like tickets to the upcoming AS game in Coors Field. Cash only. Like me Bill's always been a cash guy, and he just happened to have it. They were 3rd row seats behind 1st base. Just a couple of rows behind where Rick is. So sometimes through just luck, and being in the right place at the right time any of us can get great seats!
Rick doesn't usually stop at getting to first base.

He got more moves than exlax.

Still employed tho...smdh...should have probably stayed at UK cuz he has more lives than a cat
He spends more time at his place in Miami than he does in the City of his employment, Louisville. Maybe if he was in Louisville more often he could have managed Minardi Hall better.
You have to admit the man is a narcissist. Could you walk in recruiting to a gym with 200 coaches snickering about 15 seconds and a table in porcini's. Throw in this mess of having title stripped. He is at all star game on first row. He has no conscious. Most people would have hidden and holed up after 1st deal.
You have to admit the man is a narcissist. Could you walk in recruiting to a gym with 200 coaches snickering about 15 seconds and a table in porcini's. Throw in this mess of having title stripped. He is at all star game on first row. He has no conscious. Most people would have hidden and holed up after 1st deal.

I told my wife the same thing. With all of his stuff, I'd be ashamed to show my face, but we are talking about a narcissistic a-hole with no conscious
I saw a retweet about this last night from card chronicle, I think. So I replied "There's the same number of former UL basketball players as in the NBA All-Star hand."
You have to admit the man is a narcissist. Could you walk in recruiting to a gym with 200 coaches snickering about 15 seconds and a table in porcini's. Throw in this mess of having title stripped. He is at all star game on first row. He has no conscious. Most people would have hidden and holed up after 1st deal.

It's all part of the act. In fact, he has lied so much, that I truly think he now believes it. As for still being employed, I am glad. We will see how his recruiting holds up when they vacate final fours, a NC, and Rick gets his hand slapped. If they should somehow lose accreditation, then they are out of the ACC, and NCAA. Wonder if he would still want to be L1C4. I highly doubt it. Oh, the agony of the tattoo.