Classy Move by Calipari

Any word on any early favorites for the job?
The fan base is overwhelmingly in favor of Archie Miller. There isn't really even a close second. A few people mentioning pipe dreams like Gregg Marshall, but Miller is who nearly everyone wants.

Now, what Foley does is anyone's guess.
Miller is as good of a choice as their is out their. Has the potential to be another Donavon or just another really good coach. Either one is nice to have.
Great tweets by Cal.

Gonna miss Donovan a lot in the SEC. Big shoes for someone to fill now. Hope Florida gets someone good to replace him (Archie Miller seems like a nice choice).
If Miller says "no" for some reason, I think you guys should go interim and try for Marshall next year. Marshall will lose Van Vleet and Baker after this season so I think he would be more likely to leave after those guys leave.
I never understood the hate spewed by many on this board over the years about BD. He has always been gracious in his wins and losses against us and always spoke of UK in a positive manner.

I realize it was mostly because UF was a rival school, but that is just immaturity.

Good luck to Billy D.
The fan base is overwhelmingly in favor of Archie Miller. There isn't really even a close second. A few people mentioning pipe dreams like Gregg Marshall, but Miller is who nearly everyone wants.

Now, what Foley does is anyone's guess.

Gotta at least gage interest in a couple of the "pipedreams" first, right?
The fan base is overwhelmingly in favor of Archie Miller. There isn't really even a close second. A few people mentioning pipe dreams like Gregg Marshall, but Miller is who nearly everyone wants.

Now, what Foley does is anyone's guess.

Now that the staff has two former head coaches do you think Foley will hire from within?
Now that the staff has two former head coaches do you think Foley will hire from within?
I will just say this - he better not! There will be a mutiny. I would honestly cancel my season tickets. Not even kidding. If we go down that path and cheap out with Pelphrey or Grant, I will vote against it with my wallet. That said, I don't think Foley is going that route. He said there is a timetable of several weeks to get this hire right, so if he was just going to hand it over to Grant or Pelphrey, I imagine it would have been done already. He certainly wouldn't have said it was going to take weeks.

We have once chance to get this right. Florida isn't a blueblood and we can't afford to do this the wrong way. If we do, we risk an Arkansas-like streak of decades of irrelevance.
Scantily clad women running around Florida beaches in bikinis? Sounds like a job for Rick Pitino. (Insert 15 second joke here.) Then I could go from hating him to merely disliking him for 2-3 games a year. ;)
This board is stupid for thinking UF would hire Grant. Just ridiculous and not well thought out. Florida knows better than that.

And the reason for some of the animosity toward BD was the way he held us up, walked away from the contract HE requested, and tried to kill our recruiting while we were waiting back when he turned us down for the second time. At least thats my gripe with him. But thats a long time ago. Good luck to Billy.