Classic caller to MJ show today


Dec 12, 2007
Really makes you cringe. First thing he said was that he has never heard anyone bring up the fact that you can put two balls into a basket at the same time. Ok. And then he asked if he was the only one who thinks that Laettner did not get the shot off in time in 1992. Just wow. Of course he had a thick country accent too.
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BBN is massive.... and not full of perfect speaking, sense-making individuals. It happens.
I'm tired of defending our fan base. You honestly can't. Like all fan bases, we jave some that are "special" our fan base just happens to be huge and a mixed bag. Not many states have a college program in any sport that galvanize an entire state like KY bball. Most of us are reasonable and ok most times. But like Finebaums show about AL football, the loud minority are embarrassing.
Eh - if a guy can't add 4+5 on the call in show, that's still less embarrassing than the numbnuts on here who prove the ESPN talkers right when they say "why would you take that job? A bunch of the UK fans won't even be happy unless you win the championship every year!"
I'm tired of defending our fan base. You honestly can't. Like all fan bases, we jave some that are "special" our fan base just happens to be huge and a mixed bag. Not many states have a college program in any sport that galvanize an entire state like KY bball. Most of us are reasonable and ok most times. But like Finebaums show about AL football, the loud minority are embarrassing.

Honestly, it takes a "special" fan to call into a radio show. There are some level headed callers but a majority are "special". Nothing wrong with that and that’s why the show is entertaining.
It can't be any worse than the segment of our fan base that have now adopted the "Cal can't coach" mantra. Never have, and never will get it. You can't fix stupid.
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All fan bases have their share that are intellectually challenged. The reason we seem to notice so many is that the Wildcat fan base is enormous and we have a radio show dedicated to that group specifically. As a result, perception that most UK fans are goofs doesn't necessarily reflect reality.
You want to have the largest fan base in all of sports? Then, you have to be willing to take the bad with all the good.
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It's not just the UK fan base. Being a Cardinals fan in STL I hear the same types of calls on local radio here. Any team that has a large following is going to have idiots within it.
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And yet Drew Franklin says the messageboard guys are the problem. Like I said in the other thread. Kettle meet pot, it's also black.
What happened to freedom of speech? And everybody has their opinion? I've noticed that those who sit on the fence are the most rational. It makes the world a little more interesting to read/hear opinions without going overboard in reaction to one's thoughts....
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What happened to freedom of speech? And everybody has their opinion? I've noticed that those who sit on the fence are the most rational. It makes the world a little more interesting to read/hear opinions without going overboard in reaction to one's thoughts....

Freedom of speech means the government doesn't get to punish you or censor you. It has nothing to do with other people criticizing you.
I'm tired of defending our fan base. You honestly can't. Like all fan bases, we jave some that are "special" our fan base just happens to be huge and a mixed bag. Not many states have a college program in any sport that galvanize an entire state like KY bball. Most of us are reasonable and ok most times. But like Finebaums show about AL football, the loud minority are embarrassing.

The meth problem in the state of KY isn't helping either. You figure some of those meth heads are invariably going to be UK fans like most of the state is. Now take those meth heads, put them on a 5 day bender, and give them a smart phone... what do you think is gonna happen?
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What happened to freedom of speech? And everybody has their opinion? I've noticed that those who sit on the fence are the most rational. It makes the world a little more interesting to read/hear opinions without going overboard in reaction to one's thoughts....

The situation the thread seems to be trying to address is that many, if not most, people who have uncontrollable urges to call radio shows do not have thoughts.
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Didn't hear it, but doesn't sound real to me. Its either a rival fan pretending to be a UK fan; or a staged call by MJ because he knows these often get quite a bit of media attention.

No way any legit call would suggest Laettner didn't get the shot off on time.
The most misinterpreted amendment by far.....

Nope, it's this one.
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I know a family of UT fans down in Memphis who call into a Memphis State radio show saying they are one another and pretending to be Memphis fans and say the dumbest stuff very passionately.

It's hilarious.
Didn't hear it, but doesn't sound real to me. Its either a rival fan pretending to be a UK fan; or a staged call by MJ because he knows these often get quite a bit of media attention.

No way any legit call would suggest Laettner didn't get the shot off on time.

Yep! Even if that were true , why bring up the Laettner shot now? Total hoax.
This is BBN. don't talk trash about a fellow cat fan. Everybody doesn't have to think the same way, or try to act like a northerner. I'm from southern Ky, and down here we're a little different than the ones from the northern part of Ky, or in Lexington in general. Its all cool. Don't just think your smarter than another fan because your some well spoken, cliché, Caucasian, trying to act like a northerner. A lot of you guys wouldn't believe the difference in people from say Lexington, and people from my area. Be cool. Be proud to be a UK fan We're all looked at the same anyway by outside people. Just embrace it, and be proud to be from Ky.
Really makes you cringe. First thing he said was that he has never heard anyone bring up the fact that you can put two balls into a basket at the same time. Ok. And then he asked if he was the only one who thinks that Laettner did not get the shot off in time in 1992. Just wow. Of course he had a thick country accent too.
We as a nation(not me) have elected the most narcissistic, most divisive President in the history of this country...TWICE ...But, it is ok because as Joe Biden said..."he is cool and he speaks well"...Really
The problem may lay with the lack of call screening that KSR fails to provide.
We as a nation(not me) have elected the most narcissistic, most divisive President in the history of this country...TWICE ...But, it is ok because as Joe Biden said..."he is cool and he speaks well"...Really

I have been posting here for several years and this is the most inappropriate post I have seen. Has nothing to do with the topic and everything to do with political views. Who gives a rats behind how you vote.
Really makes you cringe. First thing he said was that he has never heard anyone bring up the fact that you can put two balls into a basket at the same time. Ok. And then he asked if he was the only one who thinks that Laettner did not get the shot off in time in 1992. Just wow. Of course he had a thick country accent too.
When the finebaum show was local-er, it was 3 straight hours of that call, or worse.

Most of the south makes Kentucky look like manhattan. It's just that we are a transitional state so we have no one to stick up for us, hence we get made fun of a lot.
The problem may lay with the lack of call screening that KSR fails to provide.
If you can call into a radio show between 10am and noon, then you're either in school or unemployed or work a night shift.

Based on those facts, it's really remarkable how put together most KSR callers are.
My theory on the world is about 5-10% of people are quite simply brainless idiots. That, in turn, would mean that 5-10% of each team's fan bases are brainless idiots, regardless of the team. And often, those people are even more confident in their opinions than others and will shout those unsubstantiated opinions to the hills. The problems are 1. With a fan base as passionate as ours, there are lots of discussions to give them a medium for their idiocy. And 2. When 10 people say normal, logical things and one guy says something outrageous and stupid, EVERYBODY'S attention goes right to the stupid.
WTF does this have to do with people who call KSR? idiotic post
It is a rebuttal that went right over your head you goofball. He is demonstrating that talking with a country accent doesn't make you dumb by pointing out that the President is very well spoken but is not considered very bright by a large portion of this country.

I get what he is saying but accent or not, trying to say that The Shot was after the buzzer does in deed make the caller "special".
When a national disaster hits,Tornado-hurricane are you surprised who the news interviews on TV?
When a national disaster hits,Tornado-hurricane are you surprised who the news interviews on TV?

After a school shooting, CNN once interviewed "an eyewitness." When asked what she had seen, she replied that she had seen ambulances and police cars racing toward the school. Her interview was cut short.

My point is that the choice of interviewee is often unbelievably bad. They are often very uneducated and or uninformed.

But, my favorite is when they interview someone who once dated the cousin of the guy who is barricaded in the building with guns. Good inside info from that source!