CJ Frederick confident Cats’ will respond & play their best ball moving forward (Vaught)


Nov 1, 2015
“Right now this sucks. We wanted to come out and perform better than this and compete for a championship this weekend,” Fredrick said after Friday’s loss to Vanderbilt.

“We still got some basketball left. We have to fight through that. This team has been through a bunch of adversity. I think that will be a point of emphasis going into the tournament.

“Everything we have been through, believing in each other and getting back to that brand of basketball. When our backs are against the wall we respond. Probably people are down on us right now and that’s when our backs are against the wall and we come together and play our best.”
We have heard all of this before. We don't need all of the Cal speak. We need them to perform on the court. You can say 'Refuse to Lose' all you want in the lockerroom or to the media but do you want it? Unfortunately, don't believe this team has enough of the fight in them.
One word that explains those comments: Hollow

They have to say something when the microphone is thrown in front of them and they can't say what they're really thinking.

CJ might WANT to do better, but he's a shell of himself, both physically and mentally. He just needs to sit the rest of the year out and let his ribs heal.

We’re a man down when Cal puts him in right now.
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Wouldn't surprise me if UK blows the doors off of the game 1 opponent. They seem to play their best coming off of a loss.
Then in game 2 it will be a repeat of the Vandy game.
So I guess the new Gold standard is now. Get into the tournament and win one game.
Not the UK basketball I grew up with. UK was the gold standard till Cal got nuerted by freaking Wisconsin.
I need to see some consistency and we haven't had that in any stretch all season. Unless they learn to start playing defense all of a sudden it aint gonna happen.
If they couldn’t get ready to play a team that just beat them on their home court, in an arena filled to the roof with the loudest diehard fans of the program, why would they be ready for the next game?
I hope he proves us all wrong and they go out and do it. Hard to have optimism right now though
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