Charlotte Observer with a withering article against UNC*** and the NCAA


Apr 13, 2011
Really laid into them both

If the NCAA can’t punish North Carolina for decades of what was clearly, to any outsider, academic fraud designed to keep athletes eligible, what’s the point? Already exposed as feeble and inept by the FBI,[...]Friday’s admission that it has no way to punish North Carolina for decades of self-described scandal opens the door to fake classes everywhere.
As of Friday, there’s no reason for any athlete to be called a “student-athlete” anymore. They’re just athletes, because the NCAA is powerless to enforce the other half of its beloved phrase.
But there will be no punishment. And there will be no punishment for anyone else who decides their athletes don’t necessarily need to go to class, after all. The door is now open for universities to create entire Potemkin departments for their athletes. Who’s going to stop them?

Certainly not the NCAA, a prisoner of the narrow vision of its own leaders, unable to enforce its core mission, thoroughly exposed as weak, powerless, ineffective and obsolete.
I am stunned by all this. Completely floored. And there is no recourse. Sad day.
We should flood the Capiluto and Barnhart with letters, emails, etc. requesting that UK no longer play North Carolina in any intercollegiate sport, or work with them in any academic research of any kind. The power 5 presidents and athletic directors and coaches are just like all the people in hollywood not saying a damn thing about Harvey Weinstein. They all know that the arrogant sobs are the biggest cheaters of all time, an yet they are walking. I graduated from UK. I have followed UK athletics for over 50 years. It has been a passion and hobby in my life. I have listened to their arrogance and demeaning of my school, and may state, and my basketball program as backwater and cheaters…any now they are exposed and walk? October 13, 2017 is the day college athletics died. I will have a lot of free time on my hands to do something that matters.
We should flood the Capiluto and Barnhart with letters, emails, etc. requesting that UK no longer play North Carolina in any intercollegiate sport, or work with them in any academic research of any kind. The power 5 presidents and athletic directors and coaches are just like all the people in hollywood not saying a damn thing about Harvey Weinstein. They all know that the arrogant sobs are the biggest cheaters of all time, an yet they are walking. I graduated from UK. I have followed UK athletics for over 50 years. It has been a passion and hobby in my life. I have listened to their arrogance and demeaning of my school, and may state, and my basketball program as backwater and cheaters…any now they are exposed and walk? October 13, 2017 is the day college athletics died. I will have a lot of free time on my hands to do something that matters.
This times 1000 ^^^^^
I guess it's time for the dreaded forum name change. uky8ncaa_unc6

The NCAA's opinion no longer counts.

UNC only has 4 legit titles...we all KNOW it, so screw their invalid opinion.