Cats and former Cats in the summer league

No Way What GIF by Bernardson
Foul line dunk off two feet without a full court running start …and with no crowd in practice no less
Foul line dunk off two feet without a full court running start …and with no crowd in practice no less
Right. They must have changed the video before I clicked it then. Good Lord.
I hope he trips over the nail at the foul line and has such a bad toe problem he can’t play again.
Kid is going to be a great player along the lines of Wiggins, but he lacks a killer's mentality. There's no way Kobe sits out at Kentucky if the situation was reversed. I've questioned Sharpe's desire to win ever since he decided to sit it out.

Sharpe has Vince Carter-level skill, but a James Harden-level heart for the game.
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Kid is going to be a great player along the lines of Wiggins, but he lacks a killer's mentality. There's no way Kobe sits out at Kentucky is the situation was reversed. I've questioned Sharpe's desire to win ever since he decided to sit it out.

Sharpe has Vince Carter-level skill, but a James Harden-level heart for the game.
Time will tell …but I think it’s noteworthy in light of the Lillard drama he was labeled untouchable by management …Mike Schmitz is now working in management for the team and he and Givony are best buds …so he knows talent …looking forward to seeing how he develops .
Foul line dunk off two feet without a full court running start …and with no crowd in practice no less
I mean he wasn’t at the foul line but it was a dunk.
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Time will tell …but I think it’s noteworthy in light of the Lillard drama he was labeled untouchable by management …Mike Schmitz is now working in management for the team and he and Givony are best buds …so he knows talent …looking forward to seeing how he develops .
Wiggins would have been considered untouchable after his first year as well. I don't understand your fetish for Sharpe. Kid was a coward during his a couple months in Lexington. Care to explain why you hold him in such high regard, assuming you are a Kentucky fan which I have my doubts based on how high you revere a kid who totally betrayed our program.
Wiggins would have been considered untouchable after his first year as well. I don't understand your fetish for Sharpe. Kid was a coward during his a couple months in Lexington. Care to explain why you hold him in such high regard, assuming you are a Kentucky fan which I have my doubts based on how high you revere a kid who totally betrayed our program.
Easily …so many different stories about who said or did what …I know Sharpe said it was his decision but I’m skeptical that’s the truth given the circumstances …he just took the high road to squelch further commentary …I’m not gonna judge him or hold a grudge against him …I like ballers …his pic is still on the walls at UK …I was drooling to see him play at UK so let’s just say my interest has grown not decreased .
Kid is going to be a great player along the lines of Wiggins, but he lacks a killer's mentality. There's no way Kobe sits out at Kentucky is the situation was reversed. I've questioned Sharpe's desire to win ever since he decided to sit it out.

Sharpe has Vince Carter-level skill, but a James Harden-level heart for the game.
Lol you have zero idea how much killer instinct he has
Yes if kobe was around this day n time he may very well set out. It's a different era
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Lol you have zero idea how much killer instinct he has
Yes if kobe was around this day n time he may very well set out. It's a different era

Wiggins lol. You can watch Wiggins at 19 and know he didn't have what Sharpe has.
Wiggins and Sharpe are pretty much the same person when it comes to weak-minded mentality. Have you decided to become a Kentucky fan yet? I know you've been on the fence for a while.
Wiggins and Sharpe are pretty much the same person when it comes to weak-minded mentality. Have you decided to become a Kentucky fan yet? I know you've been on the fence for a while.
So because I don't throw temper tantrums and hate Sharpe I can't be a UK fan? Do me a favor n grow your a** up. Just because him huwwt your feewings doesn't mean he isn't really good. Wiggins didn't have half the game he's got and anyone with a clue can see that.
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Wiggins and Sharpe are pretty much the same person when it comes to weak-minded mentality. Have you decided to become a Kentucky fan yet? I know you've been on the fence for a while.
He hasn't shown anything weak minded so far. He may but that's yet to be determined
Kid was a coward during his a couple months in Lexington
I dislike Sharpe as much as anyone. His plan the whole time was to sit out the second semester and practice with the team. It was said he was not eligible for the draft, thus he would play college the next season. He became “eligible” for the draft and was picked 7th with $27.3 million guaranteed.

Every single person on this board who is bad mouthing him would have gone pro instead of coming back to play.
I dislike Sharpe as much as anyone. His plan the whole time was to sit out the second semester and practice with the team. It was said he was not eligible for the draft, thus he would play college the next season. He became “eligible” for the draft and was picked 7th with $27.3 million guaranteed.

Every single person on this board who is bad mouthing him would have gone pro instead of coming back to play.
Yeah, I’m sure he had no clue he was going to be eligible for the NBA draft. None whatsoever. Him and his people weren’t doing any work in the background to try to get eligible for the draft while this was going on. The magical NBA draft fairy just appeared and sprinkled some magic draft dust on him and boom he’s eligible.

The problem with sharpe was never that he left. It was that he knew he was going to leave and chose not to play while he was here anyway.
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I dislike Sharpe as much as anyone. His plan the whole time was to sit out the second semester and practice with the team. It was said he was not eligible for the draft, thus he would play college the next season. He became “eligible” for the draft and was picked 7th with $27.3 million guaranteed.

Every single person on this board who is bad mouthing him would have gone pro instead of coming back to play.
Seem like he found out he was eligible during the season, so why didn’t he play the one semester. Not saying come back but at least play the end of your college career.
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Seem like he found out he was eligible during the season, so why didn’t he play the one semester. Not saying come back but at least play the end of your college career.
I agree. As fans we all wanted him to help UK win. As a parent or prospect who was going to be guaranteed $27 million by not playing or risking injury, we all would have probably done the same thing.

Nick Smith cost himself over $20 million by coming back to compete. He was a projected top 5 guy who ended up 27th.
I agree. As fans we all wanted him to help UK win. As a parent or prospect who was going to be guaranteed $27 million by not playing or risking injury, we all would have probably done the same thing.

Nick Smith cost himself over $20 million by coming back to compete. He was a projected top 5 guy who ended up 27th.

Stop making sense.
Yeah, I’m sure he had no clue he was going to be eligible for the NBA draft. None whatsoever. Him and his people weren’t doing any work in the background to try to get eligible for the draft while this was going on. The magical NBA draft fairy just appeared and sprinkled some magic draft dust on him and boom he’s eligible.

The problem with sharpe was never that he left. It was that he knew he was going to leave and chose not to play while he was here anyway.
If he had known he was going in the draft he wouldn't have came here.
If he had known he was going in the draft he wouldn't have came here.
a.) why not? work out in world class facilities with other great players and get the UK hype machine on your side while you promote your brand (come see him warm up, folks!)

b) We all knew by January 20th he was going to be eligible for the draft, so even if he had NO IDEA (LOL) that was going to happen when he came here, at that point there was no reason he couldn't have played with the team. Again, no one is mad about this dude going pro when he was eligible. It's that he didn't play when he was here, knowing he was going to leave at the end of the season. Why do I have to keep saying this? Pay attention "Malik Monk is a crackhead" and "KAT walks slow" guy.
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a.) why not? work out in world class facilities with other great players and get the UK hype machine on your side while you promote your brand (come see him warm up, folks!)

b) We all knew by January 20th he was going to be eligible for the draft, so even if he had NO IDEA (LOL) that was going to happen when he came here, at that point there was no reason he couldn't have played with the team. Again, no one is mad about this dude going pro when he was eligible. It's that he didn't play when he was here, knowing he was going to leave at the end of the season. Why do I have to keep saying this? Pay attention "Malik Monk is a crackhead" and "KAT walks slow" guy.
You make some valid points, however there's too many what ifs and everyone assuming parts of the story... You are assuming he wanted to come waste everyone's time when he was going top 10 anyway.. That's an awful lot of effort to get better by someone most on here says is a coward and scared.
I don't believe the kid knew from the start. They may have been working on it early on, but be honest with yourself.... Every kid(good enough )in that situation would try n find out.

I'm not sure why you keep saying it. After a while it seems you would understand but here we are. Monk was a crackhead..... I'm not sure why you have issue with that??! Also, never said KAT walks slow. What I said was "you can tell by watching him walk he's lazy and it looks like it's too much effort. So shoot me, I was wrong for once. I guess you put that in there to get someone to think your stance is more valid over mine. I'm Well aware we have quite a few other dipshi** around here
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Sharpe did what he did, his reasons made sense for him. My thinking is that he is non existent relative to UK basketball. He has no place in a discussion about UK basketball. He is just a random player in the NBA
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You make some valid points, however there's too many what ifs and everyone assuming parts of the story... You are assuming he wanted to come waste everyone's time when he was going top 10 anyway.. That's an awful lot of effort to get better by someone most on here says is a coward and scared.
I don't believe the kid knew from the start. They may have been working on it early on, but be honest with yourself.... Every kid(good enough )in that situation would try n find out.

I'm not sure why you keep saying it. After a while it seems you would understand but here we are. Monk was a crackhead..... I'm not sure why you have issue with that??! Also, never said KAT walks slow. What I said was "you can tell by watching him walk he's lazy and it looks like it's too much effort. So shoot me, I was wrong for once. I guess you put that in there to get someone to think your stance is more valid over mine. I'm Well aware we have quite a few other dipshi** around here
So you're the "Karl Towns walks slow" guy? I was wondering which poster was the originator of that ridiculous comment, and now I know. Absolutely hilarious. Your batting 0.0000 right now.
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So you're the "Karl Towns walks slow" guy? I was wondering which poster was the originator of that ridiculous comment, and now I know. Absolutely hilarious. Your batting 0.0000 right now
Hims feelings aren't hurt tonight. Him stopped cwying cause sharpe was unfair
He would have had the NBA not changed decision on his draft status
That is quite possible. The nba is always going to do what’s best for the nba. Cal is always going to do what’s best for the individual kid vs what’s best for the program at the moment. It is what it is unfortunately.
Sharpe could have made a huge positive impact for the program. Instead, it’s another instance in the growing list of Cal’s failures.
That is quite possible. The nba is always going to do what’s best for the nba. Cal is always going to do what’s best for the individual kid vs what’s best for the program at the moment. It is what it is unfortunately.
Sharpe could have made a huge positive impact for the program. Instead, it’s another instance in the growing list of Cal’s failures.
That wasn't a Cal failure. Cal says he will do what is right by the player and he did exactly that. Cal has not lied about that or misrepresented that in any way.

It certainly would have been better for the program for Sharpe to play. In the short term. Cal does look long term. What if Sharpe had played and been less than expected and fallen in the draft? Or got hurt and fell out of the draft? Then the players first is out the window for good.

Which is fine by me anyway. But that's not Cal's mantra and he was hired saying that. He has never once wavered from that since he's been here.

I think the University should bring in a program first guy and move on from the players first thing. But it is not a Cal failure. If anything, it validates everything Cal says he is.
That wasn't a Cal failure. Cal says he will do what is right by the player and he did exactly that. Cal has not lied about that or misrepresented that in any way.

It certainly would have been better for the program for Sharpe to play. In the short term. Cal does look long term. What if Sharpe had played and been less than expected and fallen in the draft? Or got hurt and fell out of the draft? Then the players first is out the window for good.

Which is fine by me anyway. But that's not Cal's mantra and he was hired saying that. He has never once wavered from that since he's been here.

I think the University should bring in a program first guy and move on from the players first thing. But it is not a Cal failure. If anything, it validates everything Cal says he is.
I agree with most of your post. We all know what Cal is about and how he will handle situations like this. I’m not privy to all of the actual conversations that went on between him and Sharpe’s family, all we can do is take the public comments at face value.

Players risk injury every time they step on the court, practice or during games. If he can practice he can play. He signed up to play. A player shouldn’t be on a team unless they expect and are willing to play. My opinions are one of the many reasons I’d make a poor players first coach.

Having a potential nba star sit on the bench while injured players play and lose in the first round of the tournament seems like a failure to me though.