Cards have another successful day of dumpster diving


Nov 27, 2009
Devonte Fields will be the newest member of Bobbys chain gang. Cards love to pick up the garbage other programs toss out to the curb.
If Drew Barker and Dorian Baker continue to make bad decisions they will probably be Cards soon
Or another way of looking at it is that UL is the one program in this state that is serious about winning football games.
Originally posted by sambowieshin:
Devonte Fields will be the newest member of Bobbys chain gang. Cards love to pick up the garbage other programs toss out to the curb.
Originally posted by Father Torque:
Or another way of looking at it is that UL is the one program in this state that is serious about winning football games.
Originally posted by sambowieshin:
Devonte Fields will be the newest member of Bobbys chain gang. Cards love to pick up the garbage other programs toss out to the curb.
Yeah, stupid people do see things differently.
Originally posted by Father Torque:
Or another way of looking at it is that UL is the one program in this state that is serious about winning football games.
Originally posted by sambowieshin:
Devonte Fields will be the newest member of Bobbys chain gang. Cards love to pick up the garbage other programs toss out to the curb.
I'm disappointed in you Father, I guess with the girl he beat up you expected her to turn the other cheek, which she did and he hit her there too. You and GOD may need to talk about your priorities, lol.
Jurich has gone on record saying taking guys with checkered pasts will catch you some heat at first but that will die down soon and people will forget about it when you start winning.
Originally posted by seccats04:
Jurich has gone on record saying taking guys with checkered pasts will catch you some heat at first but that will die down soon and people will forget about it when you start winning.
People need to realize this with their program...When your ad controls the entire city of print and voice(except Matt Jones) media then you can do anything you want and you may catch a little flack early , but in the end their fan base could care less if you win...The only evidence you need of this is to look at who his coaches are to lead their programs..
I agree but we have fans pumping up the return of Loyd Tubman on this very page. If either one of these guys are back on campus and touch another woman, the respective coaches and ADs should be removed and the Universities sued.
Originally posted by KumarCat:
I agree but we have fans pumping up the return of Loyd Tubman on this very page. If either one of these guys are back on campus and touch another woman, the respective coaches and ADs should be removed and the Universities sued.
So you are saying LT is guilty...Suppose he is innocent
Originally posted by KumarCat:
I agree but we have fans pumping up the return of Loyd Tubman on this very page. If either one of these guys are back on campus and touch another woman, the respective coaches and ADs should be removed and the Universities sued.
And let me guess get rid of the twins also.

You've already convicted Tubman, your chit is old.

This post was edited on 2/1 8:20 PM by Dallas-Wild
I hope that UK will never sink as low as the dumpster divers down the road to continually take in adulterers, woman beaters, and criminals in order to be competitive in athletics. If any current UK player is found guilty of a serious crime, send em packing to the garbage recycling bin known as UofL. We dont need that trash roaming the campus in Lexington!
Thanks for your ad hominem attack, now I know to block you.

You can say whatever you like, however, good football players equals good football program. You can dog UL all you want for taking criminals, but you can't argue with the success that they have had with those players.

UL like UK doesn't have a winning history to fall back on when it comes to recruiting, therefore if they want to be a contender they have to take extraordinary measures to find players/coaches that will help them win. UL has shown that they are willing to take those measures and ignore the public opinion that follows. UK hasn't shown that willingness and the results on the field are obvious.

So the argument is clear, is UK willing to do whatever it takes to win football games or aren't they?
Originally posted by Father Torque:
Thanks for your ad hominem attack, now I know to block you.

You can say whatever you like, however, good football players equals good football program. You can dog UL all you want for taking criminals, but you can't argue with the success that they have had with those players.

UL like UK doesn't have a winning history to fall back on when it comes to recruiting, therefore if they want to be a contender they have to take extraordinary measures to find players/coaches that will help them win. UL has shown that they are willing to take those measures and ignore the public opinion that follows. UK hasn't shown that willingness and the results on the field are obvious.

So the argument is clear, is UK willing to do whatever it takes to win football games or aren't they?
So, you are a father, how many illegitimate kids do you have?
Another ad hominem attack and another person on the block list.
Originally posted by jauk11:
Originally posted by Father Torque:
Thanks for your ad hominem attack, now I know to block you.

You can say whatever you like, however, good football players equals good football program. You can dog UL all you want for taking criminals, but you can't argue with the success that they have had with those players.

UL like UK doesn't have a winning history to fall back on when it comes to recruiting, therefore if they want to be a contender they have to take extraordinary measures to find players/coaches that will help them win. UL has shown that they are willing to take those measures and ignore the public opinion that follows. UK hasn't shown that willingness and the results on the field are obvious.

So the argument is clear, is UK willing to do whatever it takes to win football games or aren't they?
So, you are a father, how many illegitimate kids do you have?
Oh no, no sense of humor either.

I am not prejudiced against fathers, especially the religious type, but I do take offense to your posts on a UK board. But it doesn't sound like you could possibly be the religious type if you condone jurich's programs agenda, I always liked Grantland Rice's famous quote, "For when the great scorer comes, to score against your name, he will not ask whether you won or lost, but how you played the game".

And yes, I campaigned against BP as our coach on here.

And the answer to your question:
"So the argument is clear, is UK willing to do whatever it takes to win football games or aren't they?" is that I sure as hell hope not.

Go back to the UL board with the rest of your low class ilk.

This post was edited on 2/1 10:20 PM by jauk11

This post was edited on 2/1 10:25 PM by jauk11
If LT is innocent he should be welcomed back with open arms but no one should even mention him until then. He went in front of a grand jury and they decided there was enough evidence to prosecute. We should all shut up about it and let the system sort it out.
Originally posted by KumarCat:
If LT is innocent he should be welcomed back with open arms but no one should even mention him until then. He went in front of a grand jury and they decided there was enough evidence to prosecute. We should all shut up about it and let the system sort it out."

I have not heard of an indictment yet and neither has anyone in the media. Last published report was in October of 2014.
Originally posted by manimale:

Originally posted by KumarCat:
If LT is innocent he should be welcomed back with open arms but no one should even mention him until then. He went in front of a grand jury and they decided there was enough evidence to prosecute. We should all shut up about it and let the system sort it out."

I have not heard of an indictment yet and neither has anyone in the media. Last published report was in October of 2014.
That's my take I don't know where kumar got his info.
Originally posted by KumarCat:
If LT is innocent he should be welcomed back with open arms but no one should even mention him until then. He went in front of a grand jury and they decided there was enough evidence to prosecute. We should all shut up about it and let the system sort it out.
You have it backwards. Nobody should damn him until he's guilty. Even football players have a presumption of innocence. And a grand jury isn't proof of anything. As the old saying goes a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich. The grand jury is totally one sided. The prosecutor gets claim whatever he wants with little or no rebuttal.
I thought they weren't supposed to keep someone's life in limbo indefinitely, which is what is happening, and I thought from other threads they were supposed to do something within 90 days or so. But I don't know how any of that works.
Originally posted by Father Torque:
Or another way of looking at it is that UL is the one program in this state that is serious about winning football games.
If that's truly your view on college athletics, you are as morally bankrupt as Petrino and Jurich. Perhaps you'd be happier cheering for the Cards. They seem to run their program in a manner that you can appreciate.
Another player to beat us for what, the 5th year in a row? Maybe we should start trying to save their careers. It couldn't hurt.
Can someone please post the questionable players that Petrino has allowed to come to UL. I know Willie Williams, Michael Dwyer and now Fields but I can't remember the rest.
Originally posted by CATS1945:
Can someone please post the questionable players that Petrino has allowed to come to UL. I know Willie Williams, Michael Dwyer and now Fields but I can't remember the rest.
it ain't just Petrino. Has been happening since Jurich became their AD. Guys who were kicked out elsewhere for crime or misconduct have been finding their way to UL under Johnelle Smith, Petrino, Kragthorpe, Strong, and now Petrino again.

just a win at all costs mentality that starts at the top, and knowing they have the local media under their thumb so no worry about being called out for such unethical practices.
I am not just saying this because I dislike UL, but this decision to take Fields is probably the worst example I have seen of trying to win at all costs and I would be embarrassed to be a fan or participant in an organization like this. I am for giving second chances, but you have to draw the line somewhere and abuse to women is a good one to start with.

I respect Stoops for not allowing Tubman to be a part of the team while his case in ongoing. If he is not guilty, it is a bad situation for him to miss out on a false accusation, but if he is guilty, then he is no longer relevant as you cannot put someone's athletic ability over the victim in a crime, especially DV or rape.

For Fields, his case is still ongoing from what I recall and thus should be irrelevant, but again, the Cards make a criminal the focus, vs sending a message that they will not tolerate violence against women.
Originally posted by sambowieshin:
I hope that UK will never sink as low as the dumpster divers down the road to continually take in adulterers, woman beaters, and criminals in order to be competitive in athletics. If any current UK player is found guilty of a serious crime, send em packing to the garbage recycling bin known as UofL. We dont need that trash roaming the campus in Lexington!
That's fine, but then quit complaining about 4-8 and 5-7 seasons. Sometimes you take a chance on someone. I'm glad I haven't been held accountable for every mistake I've ever made......
Originally posted by docinjax:
Originally posted by sambowieshin:
I hope that UK will never sink as low as the dumpster divers down the road to continually take in adulterers, woman beaters, and criminals in order to be competitive in athletics. If any current UK player is found guilty of a serious crime, send em packing to the garbage recycling bin known as UofL. We dont need that trash roaming the campus in Lexington!
That's fine, but then quit complaining about 4-8 and 5-7 seasons. Sometimes you take a chance on someone. I'm glad I haven't been held accountable for every mistake I've ever made......
UL thinks this is their best option to win and it probably is. UK fortunately, does not currently feel that way. I can agree that sometimes you take a chance but not with someone who basically admitted he hit a woman in the face. I don't think we need to take a chance on a guy like this to win. Where do you draw the line?
So if this guy hit your wife/sister/daughter in the face, you'd want him on the team because he's good at football?
Originally posted by docinjax:
Originally posted by sambowieshin:
I hope that UK will never sink as low as the dumpster divers down the road to continually take in adulterers, woman beaters, and criminals in order to be competitive in athletics. If any current UK player is found guilty of a serious crime, send em packing to the garbage recycling bin known as UofL. We dont need that trash roaming the campus in Lexington!
That's fine, but then quit complaining about 4-8 and 5-7 seasons. Sometimes you take a chance on someone. I'm glad I haven't been held accountable for every mistake I've ever made......

That is just a ludicrous take, that you either lose by taking kids who arent criminal - or welcome criminals into your campus and community with open arms in order to win
I am not the least bit surprised that they are successful at it, when you are committed to something and practice it over and over then you should get pretty good at it. Hell, they probably don't even have to call them, most of them already know about City College.