I believe after listening to Coach Cal during his Press-Conference when he was accepting the Hall of Fame selection that he was very happy here at Kentucky. He discussed that after going to Memphis and Coaching there nerly 10 years that his goal and dream was to be the Head Coach at a University like Kentucky. He really wanted the Kentucky job before they gave it to Billy Gillepsie after Tubby went to Minnesota. He said he would ask his wife each evening when he would arrive home if Kentucky had called him. He really wanted to be here. He loves Kentucky, facilities, the fans, and everything about Kentucky. He said that day that he was content right now being the Head Coach at Kentucky and loved helping the boys and their families live their dreams making it to the NBA. I won't say that he will retire here in 10 years from now but I do believe that he will be here at Kentucky for another 5-6 years. He said that day there was still work to be done here at Kentucky. Coach Cal also knows since 2012 and the Nat. Champs that he has received 4 extensions and increases to his salary each time we have made it to the Final Fours. With the last extension and salary at 7 years at $54 million being at approx. $8million a year it will be hard for any NBA to start him there. most Head Coaches at NBA level make 3-4 million unless your Kerr at Golden State at $5million and Rivers at LA Clippers making 9or 10 mil a year, and Popovich at Spurs is at the top at $11 million annually. So, Barnhart has been pretty smart almost maxing Coach Cal here at UK with now being $8 million and knowing most Head Coaching jobs are between 4-6 million.