Who wears what apparel seems to be dictating to a lot of kids where they can and cannot go. I always hear things like "Adidas is pushing him to...." Lately with Dennis Smith and Rawle Alkins for example. But what is exactly going on behind the scenes for this to happen? Are the kids already sponsored by their respective apparel and the company says "we can only guarantee "X" amount of dollars in your deal unless you go to a particular school"? Are the kids already getting paid to represent different companies, and if so, how would that not be a violation?
It just makes me wonder how a kid can think a shoe company could really have their best interests in mind when they say "You have to go to a school that wears OUR apparel."
It just makes me wonder how a kid can think a shoe company could really have their best interests in mind when they say "You have to go to a school that wears OUR apparel."