Calipari on Dan Patrick Today

any time there's a mention of a media member on the board it turns into a debate about their moral values, worth as a journalist, how likable/unlikable they are.

Yes, you can count on that...and any post mentioning Matt Jones/KSR will quickly turn into "I support Matt" vs. "I hate Matt", and in most cases people calling out trolls based on post count and any opinion/news that is not glaringly positive or optimistic about UK.
Cal is on think he's ready for next season to start?

He is loving on his kids, and promoting his success the last 6 years........

Dan can't get a word in.........
DP show is very good. He has good guests, and it is entertaining. I work from home right now scoring boring standardized it is good background sound if nothing else. Give me the DP Show over any of the hack shows on ESPN in the morning, just IMO.
I heard from Twitter that it got awkward, but I've yet to see anyone else mention it here.
I think people are forgetting that Dan and Cal do this every time he is on. They go at each other like this and then say by with no hard feelings. Its like 2 long lost friends/rivals who are trying to one-up the other but never gets mad if they are on the losing end.

It's all in fun. And you can tell by the end when it gets more jovial as they disconnect.
Friendly banter between Cal and DP. Nothing more, nothing less. Their friendship goes as far back as the UMASS days.
Dan Patrick asked Bozich on his show if UK was still buying players. So yes, he is an ass, IMO. If you like him, fine. I think he sucks.

But this interview was nothing more than a friendly back and forth Philly style, IMO.
DP Show beats anything ESPN has on at the same time, but that is not saying much.
John Calipari‏@UKCoachCalipari 48m48 minutes ago

I’ve known @dpshow for 25 years and throughout that time I can tell you one thing has never changed: He could never play basketball. LOL.

I love Cal, but twwets such as this come off as arrogant. I didn't like how Cal handled this interview at all. He got too riled up and needlessly started arguing like a little kid at the end by bringing up something unrelated (DP's basketball ability).
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I love Cal, but twwets such as this come off as arrogant. I didn't like how Cal handled this interview at all. He got too riled up and needlessly started arguing like a little kid at the end by bringing up something unrelated (DP's basketball ability).

Okay thanks.
I love Cal, but twwets such as this come off as arrogant. I didn't like how Cal handled this interview at all. He got too riled up and needlessly started arguing like a little kid at the end by bringing up something unrelated (DP's basketball ability).

Please tell me you are not serious. That is called ribbing. Friends do it, and often far worse. Good grief.
I love Cal, but twwets such as this come off as arrogant. I didn't like how Cal handled this interview at all. He got too riled up and needlessly started arguing like a little kid at the end by bringing up something unrelated (DP's basketball ability).

Man, you must be a blast at parties. It was obvious to anyone who can read social cues that it was two professionals who have known each other for a long time having some good-natured fun. Cal knows what makes good radio and he's throwing a bone to DP there. I also believe Cal totally dominated that 'debate' if you want to call it that. Cal taking jabs at DP's basketball ability is obviously an inside joke that they have between them.
I love Cal, but twwets such as this come off as arrogant. I didn't like how Cal handled this interview at all. He got too riled up and needlessly started arguing like a little kid at the end by bringing up something unrelated (DP's basketball ability).

Post less, read more.
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Man, you must be a blast at parties. It was obvious to anyone who can read social cues that it was two professionals who have known each other for a long time having some good-natured fun. Cal knows what makes good radio and he's throwing a bone to DP there. I also believe Cal totally dominated that 'debate' if you want to call it that. Cal taking jabs at DP's basketball ability is obviously an inside joke that they have between them.

Yea, Cal didn't have to go on that show if he didn't want to. Obviously they are friends or are friendly acquaintances.
DP show is third on my morning sport talk radio shows behind Cowherd and Adam Schein on Mad Dog Radio. Dan is so full of himself with third bit Adam Sandler movie roles.. it's all he'll discuss.
I love Cal, but twwets such as this come off as arrogant. I didn't like how Cal handled this interview at all. He got too riled up and needlessly started arguing like a little kid at the end by bringing up something unrelated (DP's basketball ability).
Such a stiff.