Cal should go get VJ King..

You know, just to show them what a real pimp hand feels like.
In all seriousness though, if he does re-open his recruitment, Ohio State could possibly end up with a good class of him and Simmons.
Nah, we are most likely getting Fox, plus possibly Ulis or Briscoe back. Possibly Monk, to add with Matthews, Mulder and Hawkins, and I think we are okay at guard spots.

Now if Fox or Monk go elsewhere, well, we'll see if Cal pursues King.
There is a article on Louisville 247 site update on VJ King status with UL but it's a VIP article. I will be shocked if he stays with UL.
I was talking with a good friend of mine that is a UL fan and we were discussing the different scenarios that VJ would be dealing with. I told him, wonder how VJ feels having to go around knowing that he committed to Rick and UL? Is he proud? Is he rocking UL gear all the time?

What if they got rid of Rick and brought in a new coach and new staff. Maybe some up and coming coach. Then what would VJ be like? I would imagine he would be more willing to wear his gear and be proud of going to UL knowing that he would be part of a rebuild and new regime.

Thats why i think its in UL's best interest to part ways with RP. Too much taint and black cloud around him. If they really want to recover from this they have to clean house and project a "fresh" image. But i don't think they'll do that.
He'd be a solid option at the 3. About as true a SF as there is on the market and if that's your fifth or sixth best player in a recruiting class, you had quite a haul.

Don't think our interest was very high the first time around though. He "picked Louisville over Kentucky" but we weren't his second choice until a few days before the announcement.
My take is that if UL starts losing recruits and they aren't able to recruit like before, Pitino will be let go and they'll talk about integrity bla bla bla
LOL! You don't get it yet? Pitino is toast. The question is whether Jurich can survive, and I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't even bet on Ramsey surviving this, unless he moves quickly to fire Jurich and clean out the mess. I don't think he has the courage or the support from alumni to do that yet. So this is going to be a real goat dance. Kentucky won't get within 50 miles of King or anyone else associated with UL.
LOL! You don't get it yet? Pitino is toast. The question is whether Jurich can survive, and I wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't even bet on Ramsey surviving this, unless he moves quickly to fire Jurich and clean out the mess. I don't think he has the courage or the support from alumni to do that yet. So this is going to be a real goat dance. Kentucky won't get within 50 miles of King or anyone else associated with UL.

I agree, we need to stay away from anyone that is close to UL. As far as Pitino I think he may just hang on at UL for another year. But if I was in his position I would be looking around for another coaching gig somewhere .
I agree, we need to stay away from anyone that is close to UL. As far as Pitino I think he may just hang on at UL for another year. But if I was in his position I would be looking around for another coaching gig somewhere .
Pitino is finished as a college coach. I really doubt he has the professional weight at this point for an NBA job. I think he is done. I think Jurich is done too. It may take a year to play out, but this is a huge mess and the fallout will be enormous,
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I guess given everything we know about UL, color me shocked if either Rick or Jurich are fired or resign. In fact the more this plays out the more I see UL and its lawyers muddying up the water enough to where nothing happens at all.

My faith in the system is zero. I'm starting to wonder outside of molesting children if there is anything a program can do in the NCAA's eyes that is actually punishable.
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He'd be a solid option at the 3. About as true a SF as there is on the market and if that's your fifth or sixth best player in a recruiting class, you had quite a haul.

Don't think our interest was very high the first time around though. He "picked Louisville over Kentucky" but we weren't his second choice until a few days before the announcement.

Yes, and from the peripheral view, it seems like UK stopped recruiting him when it became more and more clear Bridges was going to be Kentucky bound.

Might be interesting to see what UK does now that Bridges, Tatum, and Jonathan Isaac are all out of the picture at the 3.
I guess given everything we know about UL, color me shocked if either Rick or Jurich are fired or resign. In fact the more this plays out the more I see UL and its lawyers muddying up the water enough to where nothing happens at all.

My faith in the system is zero. I'm starting to wonder outside of molesting children if there is anything a program can do in the NCAA's eyes that is actually punishable.
I don't think you have a clue how serious this is. Pitino is finished. Jurich is probably finished. Even President Ramsey is in trouble. Lawyers won't be able to muddy the water, as you say, when Jaquan Lyle and other former Louisville recruits are already verifying the Powell allegations to the NCAA. Andre McGee didn't do all this by himself. He didn't make enough money to pay the prostitutes. With Powell cooperating, the NCAA detectives shouldn't have much trouble figuring out where the money came from. The biggest problem will be the criminal charges. Trafficking in prostitution, contributing to the delinquency of minors, fraudulent use of funds. There will be indictments. When Pat Forde wrote his article, Jurich lost his media cover. That's all gone. Prosecutors are ambitious people. The perpetrators are in serious trouble.
Might be interesting to see what UK does now that Bridges, Tatum, and Jonathan Isaac are all out of the picture at the 3.

When Calipari talks about positionless basketball, he means that he adapts his system to his personnel. Calipari is the best in the business at doing that. But if he needs a wing player who can check forwards, Charles Matthews will be that player. Matthews might be the most underrated player signed by Calipari at Kentucky. Since signing, Matthews has grown to 6-6, 190. He is as tall as James Young, and he will fill out.
Until UNC is punished and something happens with that situation I'm not buying for a second anyone at UL will lose their job. At UNC you're talking about years and years of shady stuff going on. That was improper benefits, fake classes, recruits and players getting cars, the list goes on and on. Still nothing from the ncaa over that mess. And Ole Roy still on the sidelines. At UL you have four years of impermissible benefits and some hookers roaming the dorms. No way I can believe heads roll and jobs lost and all kinds of punishment and probation for UL while UNC is still good to go. If UNC dodges the mess they were in then UL gets through this with little more than bad publicity. No faith in ncaa whatsoever. None.
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When Calipari talks about positionless basketball, he means that he adapts his system to his personnel. Calipari is the best in the business at doing that. But if he needs a wing player who can check forwards, Charles Matthews will be that player. Matthews might be the most underrated player signed by Calipari at Kentucky. Since signing, Matthews has grown to 6-6, 190. He is as tall as James Young, and he will fill out.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but having another 6'7" wing who can shoot isn't a bad option to turn to when needed, especially considering the fact that Cal wanted Bridges at the 3 and didn't get him. Yes, I understand that Gabriel will spend time at the 3, but I'd be surprised if he's not starting at the 4 when it's all said and done.

Obviously, so much of what happens on the wing (outside of Monk) will depend on Cal's confidence in Mulder/Matthews. If those guys pan out, Monk could be our only wing target the rest of the way out.
There's no way King sticks with UofL.

Pitino will be gone one way or the other before this kid ever gets to campus and so will the assistant that is tied to him.

My guess is he ultimately ends up at Ohio State. If we had missed on Gabriel then I think it would have been a possibility.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but having another 6'7" wing who can shoot isn't a bad option to turn to when needed, especially considering the fact that Cal wanted Bridges at the 3 and didn't get him. Yes, I understand that Gabriel will spend time at the 3, but I'd be surprised if he's not starting at the 4 when it's all said and done.

Obviously, so much of what happens on the wing (outside of Monk) will depend on Cal's confidence in Mulder/Matthews. If those guys pan out, Monk could be our only wing target the rest of the way out.
Having another 6-7 wing who can score is never bad, but you could say exactly the same about any other position on the floor. I am not sold on Gabriel as a 3. As Gabriel fills out, he will play 4 as much as he plays 3. I think Wynyard and Humphries are 5s, Killeya-Jones and Gabriel will mainly play 4. But we will have wings. Matthews, Mulder, Willis are wings. No matter what gets said during recruitment, Monk is a wing. Calipari won't get within 50 miles of VJ King or anyone else associated with UL, and there isn't an uncommitted wing forward out there who fits in Kentucky's class.
I don't think you have a clue how serious this is. Pitino is finished. Jurich is probably finished. Even President Ramsey is in trouble. Lawyers won't be able to muddy the water, as you say, when Jaquan Lyle and other former Louisville recruits are already verifying the Powell allegations to the NCAA. Andre McGee didn't do all this by himself. He didn't make enough money to pay the prostitutes. With Powell cooperating, the NCAA detectives shouldn't have much trouble figuring out where the money came from. The biggest problem will be the criminal charges. Trafficking in prostitution, contributing to the delinquency of minors, fraudulent use of funds. There will be indictments. When Pat Forde wrote his article, Jurich lost his media cover. That's all gone. Prosecutors are ambitious people. The perpetrators are in serious trouble.
I don't think you have a clue how serious this is. Pitino is finished. Jurich is probably finished. Even President Ramsey is in trouble...
You keep saying this - and I hope you're right, but I suspect you are not. In a just world, yes. We're not living in that world. You're anticipating several things - that the NCAA gets the cooperation necessary to compile the evidence it needs, that the NCAA approaches this from an honest and agenda-free perspective, that if the NCAA does level any kind of serious sanctions then Louisville would act appropriately and clean house, or at least fire a couple of prominent names. A lot of dominoes have to fall the right way. I'll believe it when I see it.

Here's a relevant example. Clint Hurt lied to the NCAA while he was a Louisville assistant about his involvement in the Miami stuff. As we know, the NCAA is more troubled by lying than they are the original acts. So he got a show cause. Louisville said, via Jurich, "we disagree with the NCAA." Ha! Judge says you're guilty, you get 10 years, defendant says, nah, no thanks. THEY KEPT CLINT HURT! I can't imagine any other coach in NCAA history has gotten a show cause and not gotten fired. Louisville did that!

"LOUISVILLE — The University of Louisvilleannounced Tuesday that it will keep assistant football coach Clint Hurtt on staff as he deals with NCAA sanctions stemming from his time at Miami (Fla.).

In addition to a two-year show-cause put in place by the NCAA, athletic director Tom Jurich said the organization accepted "further proposed actions" that will be put in place by U of L. Those that were detailed by the NCAA's report issued Tuesday include:....
Doesn't the experience with Hurt, coupled with the UofL Board chair's comments yesterday that when he said "On a personal basis, I have nothing but confidence in our coaches" - doesn't that signify that UofL will fight this, no matter what the NCAA or anyone else finds or concludes? Doesn't it make some of you guys less confident that "heads will roll"?....