Cal now thinking about coaching into his 70s?

Oct 31, 2007
Love reading this quote from Cal answering questions from the media yesterday after the inductee press conference. I hope he will be able to stick around at UK for the rest of his coaching career. Could you imagine having him here for another 15+ years if he does coach into his 70s?

On if he reflects on how long he wants to do this …
“I said I’d never coach past the age of 60. And if anybody does, they’re crazy. Now we got all these guys coaching in their 70s. And I’m thinking, man, maybe I’ll coach in my 70s. I’m having a ball. . . . I’ve been blessed in so many ways. All I can tell you is I think I got a contract for a long time."

Read all his quotes here:
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I thought this was another cool quote:

On Marcus Camby as his first star …
“(Calipari choked up) I thank him for what he’s done for me and my family. (He changed everything, didn’t he?) He did.”
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Would be amazing if he stayed that long. He always talks about creating wealth for his players, well imagine 15 more years of what he has already done!!
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I thought this was another cool quote:

On Marcus Camby as his first star …
“(Calipari choked up) I thank him for what he’s done for me and my family. (He changed everything, didn’t he?) He did.”
That quote is absolutely amazing. I love cal. Want him here as long as he wants to be here.
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In all seriousness that quote brings a smile to my face. Love cal and imagining another 10-15 years with him is amazing! It's been such a fun 6 years. If he stays that long I'd feel great about UK winning another 2-3 titles, sure it's tough and nothing is guaranteed, but one thing that that is certain is as long as cal is our coach we will be right at the top competing for championships.
In all seriousness that quote brings a smile to my face. Love cal and imagining another 10-15 years with him is amazing! It's been such a fun 6 years. If he stays that long I'd feel great about UK winning another 2-3 titles, sure it's tough and nothing is guaranteed, but one thing that that is certain is as long as cal is our coach we will be right at the top competing for championships.

If he stays that long, I think we will have more then 2-3 titles. You might be right though. I am high. I sure would take it.
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Also @BillionthUKFan, will you have a replay of Cals speech and what not for tonight? Also Louie's?

Not sure if it is on TV or not.

Aaaaannnnddddd, Yo Da Man!
Yes, it is on TV (NBA TV). And yes, I plan on putting together a replay of Cal and Louie's segments. They speak last though and it will probably run until about 11:00 PM (ET), so I probably won't have the video ready to go until around midnight.
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Yes, it is on TV (NBA TV). And yes, I plan on putting together a replay of Cal and Louie's segments. They speak last though and it will probably run until about 11:00 PM (ET), so I probably won't have the video ready to go until around midnight.

Don't get NBATV. Thanks bud. If I'm awake, I'll watch it tonight. If not, hopefully it will still be on the first page. I imagine it will.

Thanks again.
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Let's say Cal is here for 20 more years(doubt it) and averaged 35 wins a season(I can dream can't I?) that would equal 700 more wins.
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15 more years = 6 or 7 more Final Fours, a few more titles, and another 60 guys in the NBA (obviously not all at once).

Yes please.

At his current pace it would be 10 more Final Fours and 2 titles. I'm good with those totals.

(Cue Cut-Nets with the whole "he should win more titles with all the talent he will bring in" rhetoric.)
Love this - I think Cal has realized that the best way to build his legacy is to stay at one school for a very long time, and put as much distance as possible between him and the Memphis infractions.

That means staying at UK as long as possible. I would think he also has to appreciate the fact that - forget the haters - UK fans understand him and love him. How do you walk away from that?
If he stays that long, I think we will have more then 2-3 titles. You might be right though. I am high. I sure would take it.

You may be right, 2-3 is a conservative estimate. Before last year I would have predicted more titles if he stayed that long. Last year further illustrated the random nature of a one and done tournament. Best team doesn't always win, its the same in the NFL. Three more titles really would be amazing though, right? Would be nice to say we have the most titles, albeit a shared bragging right with UCLA, but their success is too condensed so forget them.
That would be an average of 4 a year. Possible but not probable. I'd say 40, easy.

Well, he's put out over 4/ year for his first six years thus far.

So in terms of probability, it would actually be right on schedule with what he's done so far. I think it could hold up. Either way, what an absolute marvelous problem to have as a fan? :D
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Would love to see him surpass that egomaniac Kryskwekjahkjsdhak.

K will coach until his late seventies. It's all he knows. The alternative is being exposed in the broadcasting booth and attempting to make his wife smile more often, which could be his greatest challenge.
If we get 15 more years of Cal, the NBA all star game will be our alumni game. I already feel bad for the next guy up as KY coach, but if Cal stays 15 more years, forget about even trying to replace him. We would catch and pass UCLA. I would love to see it happen. Every year is the year Cal leaves us for the NBA according to a UL friend of mine. With talk like this, he will be a joy to be around.
You may be right, 2-3 is a conservative estimate. Before last year I would have predicted more titles if he stayed that long. Last year further illustrated the random nature of a one and done tournament. Best team doesn't always win, its the same in the NFL. Three more titles really would be amazing though, right? Would be nice to say we have the most titles, albeit a shared bragging right with UCLA, but their success is too condensed so forget them.

Damn straight.

Well, he's put out over 4/ year for his first six years thus far.

So in terms of probability, it would actually be right on schedule with what he's done so far. I think it could hold up. Either way, what an absolute marvelous problem to have as a fan? :D
I wouldn't mind having to deal with that problem for over a decade or two, I think I could handle it. Haha
Sorta bummed.

Now we will never get that overrated, talent stock pile having, no tournament winnin, mr. elite eight himself, Shawne Milner.
If cal can remain coaching around 10 years longer than k, he will get close enough to catching him that it will hurt K's rep. Cal will do it much faster and without team USA to recruit from.

It shows me how much of a narcassist coach K is. Team USA is not for one man to use as a recruiting tool.

Oh well, for another thread.
Cal isn't going anywhere for a while. He and his family love it in Lexington and he is probably the most beloved UK coach since Adolph Rupp. Not to mention we have experienced the most success of any head coach since Rupp since his arrival here. I say the school needs to stop tooling around and give him a lifetime contract and pay him whatever he wants because what hes done in his first six years with literally six different teams is nothing short of AMAZING and I don't expect those results to change.

I for one can't wait to see what another 14 years of Coach Cal will be like.
Wouldn't practically 20% of the NBA be UK by that point? Easily 50 to 60 players at one time by his final years