Cal needs to pull a Gene Hackman on recruits..

We dont need to sit on pins and needles for these kids like other schools do...they either come or they dont...i donr fret over it like you guys do

Ok, who do you supposed we go get instead of Bamba, Knox, or Johnson? Hate to break it to ya UMM but we do need them, at least a couple of them. We do need them and we aren't so great that we can get a kid simply by offering. That kind of arrogance will get you nowhere in recruiting. You have to be able to offer something. You just can't give an offer, drop the mic, and expect a commitment. I would say tha should be common sense to anyone but you are UMM, so common sense is not your strongest of assets.
Wow, I really thought he had a decent thread just the other day and that maybe he was maturing as a poster. Then he comes up with one of hos worst ones yet. Yeah, let's just drive the recruits away by Cal showing some real attitude towards them. That would be totally non Cal but I guess umm doesn't get that.
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Umm never ceases to amaze me!

Sometimes, I think he's like a secret genius, constantly pushing the envelope of the truly stupid. He never fails to find something new that is both interesting and completely daft. Brilliant.
This will produce what benefit exactly?

Seems an odd "need" when the benefit isn't basically universally apparent.

I'm going to guess this not on the level of respiration, eating, evacuation and I'm struggling equally with what the basketball need would be either.
What can brown do for you? Ulismyman Postal Service.. if umm delivers freight the way he delivers great posts then he well on his way to the top!
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