Cal is the only coach to go to the draft each year.I

Feb 5, 2003
think its telling that he alone does so.Is it pathetic that the others making millions cant show? or is it cause they only have one draftee and are embarrased by Ky.
regardless Duke and Wisc coaches had several and still not there.

Why no outcry from the media or fanbases? makes no sense..Cal 6 and nobody else cares.
No wonder he is the dominant force in recruiting...
They made note of that fact during the draft saying Cal was the only coach that was there and asking where are the other coaches. They didn't carry on and make a big deal out of it but they did make note of it so I have to give them credit for that. I just hope all recruits noticed that too and that Cal really does care about his players and their future. Cal is always on the job whether it be for the UK program or for his kids, he is amazing.
A Nashville radio station was talking about Cal on Friday. The overall consensus was how smart it was for Cal to be there and recruits to see him. They wondered out loud why others don't do it. One said "that is just Cal trying to get attention" while another said maybe the other coaches are recruiting.

It is obvious that Cal is just smarter than every other coach. He cares about the players and he proved that be being there for them (while also getting attention for the program).
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It maybe the smart thing to do if you are some coaches like Self and Pitino, who wouldn't want to answer why their kids slid out of the first round or even went undrafted.
They made note of that fact during the draft saying Cal was the only coach that was there and asking where are the other coaches. They didn't carry on and make a big deal out of it but they did make note of it so I have to give them credit for that. I just hope all recruits noticed that too and that Cal really does care about his players and their future. Cal is always on the job whether it be for the UK program or for his kids, he is amazing.
They did send a cub reporter who said she would want a title more thanna pro career.And asked Cal if players drafted was more important than it wasnt totally dropped but brushed over with a pretty face.
They did send a cub reporter who said she would want a title more thanna pro career.And asked Cal if players drafted was more important than it wasnt totally dropped but brushed over with a pretty face.

Yeah I watched it, Cal answered well, not sure if Red knows what marketing a program is all about.
In reference to Cals quote:

The goal at the beginning of the season should be to have as many drafted as possible because if that happens everything else should have followed suit. You win games, players perform well and you make a title run....BOOM! Multiple players drafted.
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I Cal was there because he truly cares for his players. If it helps in recruiting, then that's an additional an additional perk for him, but he cares about "his kids" firs.
Coach cal is there for support and likes to see his players succeed, unlike other coaches figure you left the program your on your own now big boy, and yes he wants to win championships also;)[thumb2]
They made note of that fact during the draft saying Cal was the only coach that was there and asking where are the other coaches. They didn't carry on and make a big deal out of it but they did make note of it so I have to give them credit for that. I just hope all recruits noticed that too and that Cal really does care about his players and their future. Cal is always on the job whether it be for the UK program or for his kids, he is amazing.

It was the first time a big deal was made of it, and I immediately thought - we'll see more headcoaches next year. On the same note, very few, if any, coaches are guaranteed to have players drafted every year. So even if some do show, it wont be every year.
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think its telling that he alone does so.Is it pathetic that the others making millions cant show? or is it cause they only have one draftee and are embarrased by Ky.
regardless Duke and Wisc coaches had several and still not there.

Why no outcry from the media or fanbases? makes no sense..Cal 6 and nobody else cares.
No wonder he is the dominant force in recruiting...

Why should they be there? Those players don't play for them anymore. [laughing]
This is just a win/win/win for Cal and UK. Recruits are watching and they know that UK has a ton of players in the draft, but the draft constantly reminds them of that fact as well. Then you see Cal hugging players and sharing the moment with their families and it backs up the notion that Cal actually does care. Then you have the fact that Cal preaches getting these guys better and getting them ready to become pros. He proves that he is doing that by actually going through and seeing them all the way to the culmination of their dreams. Also, it further solidifies a bond between he and the players and almost every one of them want to come back and be apart of the program, which only makes us better again and again.