Originally posted by Kampus Korner:
Clay Travis is not worthy of a post nor in responding to in a tweet. I suggest the better approach is NOT to give any notoriety to urchins like Clay Travis, Pat Forde, john Feinstein, Jeff Goodman, Pete Thamel or any of the other "haters". These guys love to provoke a reaction from sports fans as in doing so it furthers their careers. They absolutely thrive on fans tweeting, facebooking, blogging or message boarding their names. They virtually beg for "hits".to their mean spirited diatribes. My suggestion? Don't get baited. Don't headline a message board post, a tweet, a blog, or a facebook post about any of them. The last thing these guys want us to do is to ignore them. Thus, ignore them. We are not going to change their opinion and they will only use our our responses to their baiting statements against our fanbase.