
Jul 23, 2006
Am I the only one that believes that with his vision and strength C.ROD running the Wildcat could have run all day against Vandy's defense and could do the same against Louisville's defense? "let Gran walk thru that door."
I like the wildcat. Not as your centerpiece but as a compliment. I’m not sure we have the line for it tho
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I know C.ROD couldn't run every play He seemed winded a lot when he did run and seemed to take himself out after a lot of runs but I think a lot of the Wildcat would have been good. Of course, when you lose the grass is always greener on the other side.
No, the ideal candidate for the wildcat is somebody who poses a threat of passing as well. Line CRod up back there, how predictable is that? It would require more trickeration.
1. Same OL is blocking for the RB whether it is a hand off out of the shotgun or direct-snap to C-Rod/wildcat.

2. Wildcat is not much different than a shotgun hand off from the QB (RB vision of the line is similar either way) except that with the hand off, the defensive LBs might hesitate a split second because QB could pull the ball for a pass play or QB run (better for the RB if they have to also account for the QB).

I was never a fan of the wildcat because it takes 99% of the guesswork out of the formula for the defense and allows them to essentially put 8 in the box.

Pretty much (2) straight desperation gimmick for bad teams or (2) just a way to get a premier RB some extra pub for good teams (also a flavor of gimmickery I suppose).

I want us to be a good team.