1. Same OL is blocking for the RB whether it is a hand off out of the shotgun or direct-snap to C-Rod/wildcat.
2. Wildcat is not much different than a shotgun hand off from the QB (RB vision of the line is similar either way) except that with the hand off, the defensive LBs might hesitate a split second because QB could pull the ball for a pass play or QB run (better for the RB if they have to also account for the QB).
I was never a fan of the wildcat because it takes 99% of the guesswork out of the formula for the defense and allows them to essentially put 8 in the box.
Pretty much (2) straight desperation gimmick for bad teams or (2) just a way to get a premier RB some extra pub for good teams (also a flavor of gimmickery I suppose).
I want us to be a good team.