Bradshaw at Oscar's camp (photos)

I thought he was supposed to be out of the boot like a week ago? Obviously not.
Hopefully just some precaution while he's out and about. I remember when I had foot surgery I had to wear that damn thing everywhere. Doc finally said I could leave it off at home (YAY!) but had to keep wearing it out in public for a couple of weeks just to be safe.

Let's hope that all it is. Just for protection from outside bangs and bumps at this point.
Still doesn’t make it right. Sharpe makes more money than that dealer now so he should pay up. He’s the rich one now.
All I’m saying is that I’m guessing whoever owns that Porsche dealership knew exactly what he was getting into signing NIL with any 18-20 year old kid. He doesn’t need any of us on a message board to defend his financial decisions.
Hopefully just some precaution while he's out and about. I remember when I had foot surgery I had to wear that damn thing everywhere. Doc finally said I could leave it off at home (YAY!) but had to keep wearing it out in public for a couple of weeks just to be safe.

Let's hope that all it is. Just for protection from outside bangs and bumps at this point.
I had wrist surgery and I remember after getting the cast off sucked because I had to wear all those damn braces and do rehab. That wasn’t fun. I’ve broken my ankle(s) before but luckily no surgery.
That’s what I thought as well
It sounds from various sources that he is out of the boot on a "part time" basis. I am guessing (having had a foot surgery), they are weaning him off, over a period of weeks. Mine was based on so many hours a day, in and out of the boot. (which changed each week/visit)..... With some other guidelines on the activities I might be doing. (and I was not a high level athlete LOL),,,, and also allowed to adjust time in and out of boot, depending on pain levels.
I remember August 9th being the date he said he’d be back 🙄

He does seem by every count to be a great ambassador for the program and a real stand out at all these types of events though.
Maybe he should take the boot off to spare the feelings of fans who care nothing about him and spent all summer trashing him and questioning his integrity. LOL at you guys acting like he owes you something. Get over yourselves.
They probably make him wear it so he doesn't do some crazy dunks on these kids and gets hurt. But the players are always great with the kids, I'm glad they do stuff like this.
My son tried to go through Nick Richards legs and he swatted it like 10 feet and a couple players were cracking up laughing.
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Hopefully just some precaution while he's out and about. I remember when I had foot surgery I had to wear that damn thing everywhere. Doc finally said I could leave it off at home (YAY!) but had to keep wearing it out in public for a couple of weeks just to be safe.

Let's hope that all it is. Just for protection from outside bangs and bumps at this point.
I stepped off the backside of a porch @ a month ago. Wrenched/twisted my foot, but didn't have it x-rayed or anything. Dr. friend loaned me a boot to wear. In @ 2 weeks, I was @ 75% healthy. Since wearing the boot was causing some back issues and I was healing quickly, I gave the boot back and quit wearing it. I remain at the same 75% healed level today.
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I stepped off the backside of a porch @ a month ago. Wrenched/twisted my foot, but didn't have it x-rayed or anything. Dr. friend loaned me a boot to wear. In @ 2 weeks, I was @ 75% healthy. Since wearing the boot was causing some back issues and I was healing quickly, I gave the boot back and quit wearing it. I remain at the same 75% healed level today.
Yep, its important to finish out a regimen. I cheated mine by like a week, but I don't have too many issues.
Not sure what the wealth of the dealership has to do with anything.
So that makes it okay not honorably fulfill your end?
The guy on here who knows the Porsche dealership said they want the people they sign to go pro as quickly as possible. So they must have been happy with Sharpe.
Didn't need to see these clips to validate it, but I have a feeling a lot of posters are going look very bad regarding Aaron Bradshaw. The kid has been nothing but 1st class since signing. It's a damn shame SOME of these negative posters will lump a kid with so.ething negative without any merit at all. It's like it's a defense mechanism with some of these crazies. Shame on them.
Oscar should have split Sheldon’s wig when he tried to go to the hole in practice
Problem is none of them care enough of about winning in college anymore. Maybe someone like Sheppard just because he grew up here with a championship dad. They all support each other making money as quick as possible because they are basically co-workers now.
The guy on here who knows the Porsche dealership said they want the people they sign to go pro as quickly as possible. So they must have been happy with Sharpe.
Then just sign pros. I guarantee they signed the contract with him expecting that he would actually play here. I get that they may sell cars to people all over but the dealership is here in Kentucky and people seeing Sharpe's mug on a Porsche billboard or commercial isn't exactly going to motivate people to buy. Character and good PR is part of the deal and getting burned may make them second think doing this in the future. They need more Oscars and less Sharpe's IMO.