Bonnaroo 2015 lineup

Good eclectic lineup as usual. Seems more country/bluegrass focused than I recall in the past. Also noticed lack of hip hop headliner which is interesting.
Looking at that list, now I know why I never went to Bonnaroo.

Mumford and Sons??? I'd rather hear two butt cheeks fart.
I am going to Nashville in October to see the Foo Fighters and Gary Clark Jr who are both better than every band listed on that lineup. I will sleep in a Marriott or Hyatt that night and be home the next day This sounds like a much better experience to me.
Not helping Kendrick's street cred, imho. Guess that's why he released that black panther song?
I don't think its one of their better lineups. I'm going tho. Doubt anyone else listens to this type of music, but I do want to see Deadmau5
My daughter and her friend attended Bonnaroo in 2013. She enjoyed it. On a related note, a co-worker's son, who also lives in Austin, attends every year as his company is involved in the production.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Lol, what would you call Kendrick Lamar?
Must have overlooked him because I don't remember seeing himom listed. But yes if he's a headliner; that changes my opinion.
For those that are going Medeski, Sco, Martin, and Wood can REALLY play... should not be missed.
Originally posted by P19978:
For those that are going Medeski, Sco, Martin, and Wood can REALLY play... should not be missed.
Thought you were naming counties for a second...
After Slayer, Belle and Sebastian, and Spoon, there's not one act I'd be interested in. Mumford and Sons . . . Ben Folds . . . Ben Harper? Good grief. Was Dave Matthews too busy?
Originally posted by Big Blue 1977:

After Slayer, Belle and Sebastian, and Spoon, there's not one act I'd be interested in. Mumford and Sons . . . Ben Folds . . . Ben Harper? Good grief. Was Dave Matthews too busy?


Please tell me that was a typo.
Slayer performing at Bonaroo.

An episode of South Park about to become real life.
The surviving Grateful Dead members turned down $3 million to headline Bonnaroo. Glad they did so I wouldn't be tempted to go. That lineup doesn't appeal to me at all. Must be getting old. I do like Slayer, though.
Originally posted by AustinTXCat:
My daughter and her friend attended Bonnaroo in 2013. She enjoyed it. On a related note, a co-worker's son, who also lives in Austin, attends every year as his company is involved in the production.

Does he work for C3?
Just saw Slayer 2 months ago. Really put my age in perspective.

These days, Tom Araya looks like a metal version of Jerry Garcia and Santa Claus
Funny, i was looking over the lineup, saw Slayer and had to do a doubletake. I dont get these type shows, just like the forecastle thing, the lineups to me look like a steaming pile of crap. I guess if your gay or a new age Hippie, or need something to listen to while driving your Fiat Abarth then your set.