Blackout For The Auburn Game?


Apr 11, 2007
Last year's blackout against South Carolina was amazing. Fresh uni's that won us the Uniform Of The Year Award, crowd looked awesome in black and most importantly we won! I think the Thursday night game against Auburn is THE perfect time for another black out next season. All eyes will be on us. Only game in town and hopefully we get another big win!
The school colors for the University of Kentucky are blue and white... Now stay with me here. I'm not throwing out the same old song and dance.

Black is not one of our colors. Grey is not one of our colors. Chrome anything is not one of our colors.

If every other game 90% of the people wear blue... Then what is the point of a blue out? It's just another game. Asking the crowd to go against the norm puts an idea in the minds of those watching from home, in attendance, and on the field, that that particular game is no ordinary game. It's an excitement factor, intrigue factor, and hype factor. Add that in to home field advantage and it's a pretty cool atmosphere. If UK ever has a blackout, greyout... Erm.... Chrome out (I dunno, half price chrome cheer poms at the gate) then I hope people abide and help make the atmosphere as memorable as possible.

You cannot tell me that the S.Car game was anything less than epic. There was a vibe even from home that there was something more going on. Something else at work.

Hell, if nothing else, just do it to mix things up. We're not asking you to wear red or the bad kind of hunter's orange- it's a neutral color to benefit everyone and add a new dimension to a game.

JMO. Give it to Auburn.
I've seen 100's of games at cws over the years. Indeed, the usc game was in the top 15 or so but IMO, it had little to do with the colors the fans were wearing. IMO, there were other more impressive games, with the crowd just as loud if not louder.

What I'd really like to see is our team coming out in a uniform that rivals Oregon for creativity. As for the fans, simply recognize the significance of the event...Thursday's college Football...the most important sport on the earth...and act accordingly.
Could you imagine having claw marks across the front of the jersey exposing the numbers! More than likely its illegal by ncaa rules but itd be cool!
you're moving in the right direction.
This post was edited on 2/5 8:31 AM by ram1955