The plastered footprint years ago is what really makes me laugh. I am like damn, dude took the time to go out into the woods, make a fake print in the dirt, mix plaster, pour it into the print, and make a fake Sasquatch footprint. These people obviously have no life, at least not a normal one. Hobbies are one thing, but fake hunting Sasquatch ??? I honestly think these guys do it for attention and / or monetary gain.
However, "Boggy Creek" and "Legend of Boggy Creek" did scare the shit out of 8 year old catsfanbgky. So did the movie Bigfoot that came out around 1977. I remember going to the movies and watching it, then me and my cousin walked home and had to walk railroad tracks for about 1/2 mile, then about 200 yards of woods in pitch black night to get to my house. I was a scared little shit.