responsibility on behalf of athletes? From all the information that is beginning to come forth regarding Jason Hatcher, (possibly others), athletes that have had difficulty following rules & expectations - there comes a point that you must demonstrate leadership!
To continue to "coddle" individuals after a 2nd or 3rd chance at rehabilitation there comes a point that you become a part of the problem! The continual efforts to, help/aid, the athlete overcome their addictive behavior, becomes "enabling". Enabling prevents the offender from suffering the consequences of their actions. So long as this pattern continues, you fail in your capacity as an instructor to teach responsibility/accountability!
In this particular case with Hatcher, it appears that its past time that Coach Stoops allows him to suffer the consequences of his behavior! By doing so permits him the opportunity to grow as a person and become a productive member of society.
To continue to "coddle" individuals after a 2nd or 3rd chance at rehabilitation there comes a point that you become a part of the problem! The continual efforts to, help/aid, the athlete overcome their addictive behavior, becomes "enabling". Enabling prevents the offender from suffering the consequences of their actions. So long as this pattern continues, you fail in your capacity as an instructor to teach responsibility/accountability!
In this particular case with Hatcher, it appears that its past time that Coach Stoops allows him to suffer the consequences of his behavior! By doing so permits him the opportunity to grow as a person and become a productive member of society.